Bibliographic citations
Coral, D., (2018). Plan de fortalecimiento de en evaluación formativa para mejorar la gestión curricular en la institución educativa n° 0297, centro poblado Santa Ana, distrito Zapatero, provincia Lamas, región San Martín, 2018. [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Coral, D., Plan de fortalecimiento de en evaluación formativa para mejorar la gestión curricular en la institución educativa n° 0297, centro poblado Santa Ana, distrito Zapatero, provincia Lamas, región San Martín, 2018. [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Plan de fortalecimiento de en evaluación formativa para mejorar la gestión curricular en la institución educativa n° 0297, centro poblado Santa Ana, distrito Zapatero, provincia Lamas, región San Martín, 2018.",
author = "Coral Mori, Delia",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
This academic work entitled Capacity Building Plan teachers in formative evaluation to improve curricular management in the institution public educational N° 0297 primary level, of the Santa Ana populated center, district of Zapatero, Lamas province, San Martín region, 2018, has as general objective Design a Plan to strengthen teaching capacities in formative evaluation to improve curricular management in the public educational institution No. 0297 level primary school, from the Santa Ana populated center, Zapatero district, Lamas province, San Martín, 2018, focused on the need to transform curricular management through of evaluative practices that allow promoting the development of competences in the different curricular areas; likewise allow the self-regulation of the errors of learning for better academic performance; that promotes the ability critical and reflective of the students, consistent with the demands of the Curriculum National on the development of competences and, allow the teaching staff to show with practice different alternative formative assessment systems to those traditional el de , the same one that takes place with the participation of the director and the teacher and its purpose is to strengthen school management through an efficient performance of teachers in the timely and pertinent application of a system of formative assessment to the learning demands required by the approach by competencies. As a methodology, the participatory action research design was used, of an applied type, with a qualitative approach; was used as a collection instrument. information the interview guide, the same one that was made up of a set of questions regarding the variables that are subject to measurement, which allowed identify the problem to be addressed through a set of actions, raising the alternative solution called Proposal for a Plan to strengthen the teaching capacities in formative evaluation to improve the curricular management in the public educational institution No. 0297 primary level, of the Santa Ana populated center, Zapatero district, Lamas province, San Martín region, 2018 and to be able to propose this proposal has been carried out the review of different theories such as schools effective in the context of poverty (Murillo, 2003; UNICEF, 2004) mechanism of the system education (Rozada, 2007), Hoffman, 1999 "Giving a grade is evaluating, doing a test is to evaluate, the record of the notes is called evaluation”, the experience (Feldman, 2005, the Ministry of Education (2012) on Curriculum Management, The routes of learning (2015) on evaluation, Likewise the theory of Viviane Robinson, MINEDU (2016) who mentions Timperley, Wilson and others (2007), Leithwood et al., (2006), Richard Elmore (2010), Knapp et al. (2010) on Pedagogical Leadership. In this process it has been possible to conclude that there is a need for accompaniment and permanent strengthening of teaching capacities referred to the criteria of formative evaluation by the director and this in itself is already a commitment acquired.
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