Bibliographic citations
Callo, A., (2018). Gestión curricular en el desarrollo de Estrategias de comprensión lectora por las docentes del nivel de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa n°40676 la mansión de Socabaya del Distrito de Socabaya - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Callo, A., Gestión curricular en el desarrollo de Estrategias de comprensión lectora por las docentes del nivel de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa n°40676 la mansión de Socabaya del Distrito de Socabaya - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular en el desarrollo de Estrategias de comprensión lectora por las docentes del nivel de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa n°40676 la mansión de Socabaya del Distrito de Socabaya - Arequipa",
author = "Callo Conto, Antonieta",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
This action plan is developed from the interest of having a directive management focused on the improvement of pedagogical practice and consequently on the improvement of student learning, sustaining myself within the framework of good managerial and teaching performance and commitments. management to ensure quality education. The study addresses the limited curricular management for the development of reading comprehension strategies of teachers at the primary level of the public educational institution 40676 La Mansión de Socabaya in the Socabaya district of Arequipa, whose general objective is to promote curricular management in the development of strategies. of reading comprehension by teachers through the implementation of professional communities at the primary education level, the participants in the action plan, is made up of the director and teachers of IE 40676 La Mansión de Socabaya. As a result of the identification of the problem, the analysis of causes and the analysis of theoretical and conceptual references, the alternative solution has been proposed, which constitutes a proposal for an action plan to improve pedagogical leadership in Educational Institution No. 40676 The Socabaya Mansion in the Socabaya district; the focus of the work is a qualitative approach, applied type, the design is action research with a sample of ten teachers, the instruments are the focus group and the interview. Leithwood et al. (2007 p.10), states that good leadership is more important while difficult situations arise, challenges need improvement, trying to specify the domains or dimensions of the directors' actions that produce these effects, in the group of teachers and at the individual level. The action plan will allow the development of pertinent learning sessions, to raise the level of reading comprehension; optimize the monitoring and accompaniment of the teacher, to strengthen the pedagogical practice; collaborative participation, achieve significant learning, promote the work of the CPAs, collegiate work, different forms that allow critical reflection about curricular planning and programming to strengthen pedagogical practice and create favorable conditions to achieve learning, all through implementation of a professional learning community plan.
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