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Trisoglio de Sifuentes, Aida Teresa
Flores Estrella, María Elena
The present research, curricular management plan in formative evaluation in the public educational institution N° 60005 María Parado de Bellido, Loreto region, has as general objective, to design a curricular management plan in formative evaluation in the public educational institution N° 60005 María Parado de Bellido, Loreto region, with the purpose of promoting spaces to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers, with the participation of 01 Director, 01 Assistant Director, 37 teachers, 09 administrative staff and 1050 students. Bellido, Loreto region, with the purpose of promoting spaces to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers, with the participation of 01 Director, 01 Assistant Director, 37 teachers, 09 administrative and 1050 students, the research design is participatory action, educational applied type and qualitative approach; because it orients the educational practice, in order to provide information to guide decision-making and change processes in teaching and understanding of the educational reality; a questionnaire was applied where the need to design this plan was evidenced, which will allow the professional development of teachers, promote teamwork and collaboration to contribute to the comprehensive training of students of the educational institution. I conclude that this action plan will strengthen competencies and capabilities based on formative evaluation to improve teaching practice. (en)
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Universidad Marcelino Champagnat (es_ES)
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http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/pe/ (es_ES)
Repositorio Institucional - UMCH (es_ES)
Universidad Marcelino Champagnat (es_ES)
Acompañamiento (es_ES)
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Evaluación Formativa (es_ES)
Formación integral (es_ES)
Plan de gestión curricular en evaluación formativa en la Institución Educativa Pública N° 60005 Maria Parado de Bellido, región Loreto. (es_ES)
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis (es_ES)
Universidad Marcelino Champagnat. Escuela de posgrado (es_ES)
Gestión Escolar con Liderazgo Pedagógico (es_ES)
Titulo de Segunda Especialidad (es_ES)
Especialista en Gestión Escolar con Liderazgo Pedagógico (es_ES)
Segunda Especialidad (es_ES)
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