Bibliographic citations
Inocente, W., (2018). Gestión de monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación para mejorar en el área de matemática en la Institución Educativa Nº 32132 Andas Chico – Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Inocente, W., Gestión de monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación para mejorar en el área de matemática en la Institución Educativa Nº 32132 Andas Chico – Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión de monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación para mejorar en el área de matemática en la Institución Educativa Nº 32132 Andas Chico – Huánuco",
author = "Inocente Cipriano, Whelington",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
This Action Plan is qualitative, its purpose is to strengthen the curricular management of the teacher in the application of the didactic processes for the resolution of mathematical problems in the students of the Educational Institution No. 32132 of Andas Chico, district of Yarumayo, Huánuco region. As teachers, it is important to recognize the vital importance of monitoring, accompaniment, and evaluation of teaching practice as a strategy to face the new challenges that permanently arise in education. This study has a practical impact on educational activity, contributing with relevant information. that will serve as a critical, reflective and action instrument in the work of the pedagogical leadership of school directors and to promote and practice the culture of pedagogical leadership with a human face that bases the management of processes of the educational institution for the professional development of teachers and of the professional learning community. For the collection of information of this action plan, the interview was designed and applied to a sample of 20 teachers; in order to identify their knowledge about the management of didactic processes in the area of Mathematics. This Action Plan is of a propositional applied type, since, as Sánchez and Reyes (2002, p. 18) explains it, "It seeks to know in order to do, to act, to build, to modify", it maintains the qualitative approach, because , is open, flexible and holistic, it can be applied in all contexts respecting its diversity, which must be respected at the time of its application, the assumed design is that of Participatory Action Research, which is a variant of the Action Research design, since according to Hernandez et al. (2014), this design occurs "When a community problem needs to be resolved and change is intended to be achieved" (p. 471). Among the most outstanding conclusions we have: The use of strategies that promote learning in the area of mathematics, promotes a favorable environment for students to promote their own learning, therefore it is important that teachers strengthen their abilities in the use and preparation of materials. for the area of mathematics. The Professional Learning Communities is a strategy that will allow work at the teacher level, managing to improve educational quality through distributive leadership, collaborative work, and professional development among peers. It is important to take into account the practice of the didactic processes in the learning sessions, in this specific case, in the area of Mathematics, thus allowing students a meaningful learning and greater understanding not only of the context but also of logical reasoning.
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