Bibliographic citations
Del, N., (2018). Gestión de acompañamiento centrado en los procesos pedagógicos en una institución de la provincia de Requena, región Loreto [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Del, N., Gestión de acompañamiento centrado en los procesos pedagógicos en una institución de la provincia de Requena, región Loreto [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión de acompañamiento centrado en los procesos pedagógicos en una institución de la provincia de Requena, región Loreto",
author = "Del Águila Pérez, Nemias",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
This action plan is developed due to the need to carry out actions that allow us to improve the practice of teachers, we set the following general objective "Strengthen teaching performance through the application of MAE in the planning of pedagogical processes in the I.E. Nº 60789 “Sgt. II Fernando Lores” As well as the specific objectives proposed by planning strategies taking into account the pedagogical processes to optimize the work in the classroom and improve the professional performance of the teacher with planned sessions that mobilize these processes, implementing monitoring and pertinent accompaniment of the pedagogical processes. . All this will strengthen the 11 teachers of the primary level in the knowledge about the mobilization of the pedagogical processes. The methodology that has been used in the development of this research work is an applied pedagogical research, which is located within qualitative research, being open, flexible and holistic in which the relevant instruments have been applied to later be validated by establishing the categories to work What has allowed me to conclude that the pedagogical processes applied properly in a learning session by teachers will contribute to the achievement of the purposes set out in the learning sessions, which will result in raising the educational quality of our students. and thus manage to improve the strengths and capacities of the teaching staff of our Educational Institution.
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