Bibliographic citations
Palacios, O., (2018). Gestión Curricular que favorezca el uso de Materiales Didácticos en las Sesiones de Aprendizaje de los Docentes de la I. E. 32046 Daniel Alomía Robles de Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Palacios, O., Gestión Curricular que favorezca el uso de Materiales Didácticos en las Sesiones de Aprendizaje de los Docentes de la I. E. 32046 Daniel Alomía Robles de Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión Curricular que favorezca el uso de Materiales Didácticos en las Sesiones de Aprendizaje de los Docentes de la I. E. 32046 Daniel Alomía Robles de Huánuco",
author = "Palacios Zevallos, Oscar Wilfredo",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The Action Plan called Scarce curricular management to favor the use of didactic materials in learning sessions, has as a general objective to improve curricular management to favor the use of didactic materials in learning sessions, of the teachers of the I. E. 32046 Daniel Alomía Robles - Huánuco 2018. Through the monitoring sheets, it was diagnosed that teachers hardly use teaching materials in learning sessions, the causes, limited management for the monitoring and accompaniment process; poor management for training on the use of teaching materials; little management to favor collaborative inter-learning circles, prioritized in relation to the pedagogical aspect. The research design is participatory action research. The instrument used to obtain data is the in-depth interview form. The monitoring and accompaniment improve management to strengthen the capacities of teachers in the use of didactic materials during the learning sessions. Workshop on the use and management of teaching materials improves direct interaction with teaching materials; aimed at improving the direction of learning. Inter-learning circles and collaborative work favor interaction between teachers.
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