Bibliographic citations
Loyola, D., (2018). Comunidades de aprendizaje para la gestión curricular en el desarrollo de la competencia lee textos escritos en los estudiantes de la I.E. San Cristóbal de Chaupimarca distrito de Tapuc - Pasco. [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Loyola, D., Comunidades de aprendizaje para la gestión curricular en el desarrollo de la competencia lee textos escritos en los estudiantes de la I.E. San Cristóbal de Chaupimarca distrito de Tapuc - Pasco. [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Comunidades de aprendizaje para la gestión curricular en el desarrollo de la competencia lee textos escritos en los estudiantes de la I.E. San Cristóbal de Chaupimarca distrito de Tapuc - Pasco.",
author = "Loyola Rivera, David Santiago",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The present academic work entitled "Learning communities to strengthen the curricular management of the teacher in the development of the competition reads texts written in the students of the San Cristóbal de Chaupimarca educational institution in the district of Tapuc, province of Daniel Alcides Carrión - UGEL Daniel Alcides Carrión - Pasco, has the purpose of improving the levels of comprehension competence of written texts, whose objective is to strengthen the curricular management in the teacher to develop the competence to read written texts within the framework of a learning community that attends the demands and expectations of the Educational Institution San Cristóbal de Chaupimarca. The beneficiaries of this work involve students, teachers and parents. The in-depth interview was designed and applied to a sample of 7 teachers, in order to identify their perception on the management of strategies to raise the levels of achievement in the comprehension of texts of the students of the educational institution "San Cristóbal" of the Town Center of Chaupimarca. Among the most outstanding conclusions we have that: the Director must be as a pedagogical leader, who is the main person in charge of school management, being the one who must train effective leaders within the I.E. Motivated teachers will shape their pedagogical practice in their classroom, thereby improving their students' learning. Learning communities is a strategy that will allow teaching work, managing to improve educational quality through shared leadership, collaborative work and professional development among peers. The methodology used in this plan is applied research type; that seeks to know to do, to act, to build, to modify (Sánchez and Reyes 2002), and the assumed design is Research-Action-Participatory. Motivated by these considerations, the present academic work of the Action Plan will become one of the fundamental instruments to improve the competences in understanding written texts of the students of this educational institution, which will be implemented in the current school year according to the established schedule.
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