Bibliographic citations
Majuan, E., (2018). Monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación a la práctica docente para mejorar la gestión curricular en la institución educativa pública n°00884, del nivel primario, del sector los Olivos, distrito Nueva Cajamarca, provincia rioja, región San Martín, 2019. [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Majuan, E., Monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación a la práctica docente para mejorar la gestión curricular en la institución educativa pública n°00884, del nivel primario, del sector los Olivos, distrito Nueva Cajamarca, provincia rioja, región San Martín, 2019. [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación a la práctica docente para mejorar la gestión curricular en la institución educativa pública n°00884, del nivel primario, del sector los Olivos, distrito Nueva Cajamarca, provincia rioja, región San Martín, 2019.",
author = "Majuan Cordova, Edilsa Bari",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The present Action Plan contemplates as a general objective "Proposal for the elaboration of a monitoring, accompaniment and evaluation plan for teaching practice, for the improvement of the curricular management of the Public Educational Institution No. 00884 of the Los Olivos sector, Nueva Cajamarca district, Rioja Province, San Martín Region, its purpose is to propose strategies for monitoring, accompaniment and evaluation of teaching practice to strengthen curricular management, a managerial role is essential in exercising monitoring and accompaniment to teaching practice to improve student learning. students and become competitive in society. The design assumed is that of participatory action research, the technique used is the interview and the instrument is the interview script, applied to 6 teachers, who voluntarily participated in the different actions planned for its formulation, under a research design. participatory action and using the semi-structured interview technique, the diagnosis was made, whose most important conclusions express that although it is true that teachers recognize that I.E. It has a monitoring, follow-up and evaluation plan, however, they show a restricted conception regarding its meaning because they do not consider it as a planning and management tool. It is appropriate to mention the importance of the theme developed in our EI, we recognize that it is an effective instrument that, without a doubt, we will implement in its entirety.
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