Bibliographic citations
Moncada, L., (2018). Plan de monitoreo y acompañamiento en la práctica pedagógica en una Institución Educativa De San Juan Bautista, región Loreto [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Moncada, L., Plan de monitoreo y acompañamiento en la práctica pedagógica en una Institución Educativa De San Juan Bautista, región Loreto [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Plan de monitoreo y acompañamiento en la práctica pedagógica en una Institución Educativa De San Juan Bautista, región Loreto",
author = "Moncada De Rojas, Luz Angélica",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The objective of this Action Plan is to develop a plan for monitoring and accompaniment in pedagogical practice in an educational institution in San Juan Bautista, Loreto region. A manager participates and 21 teachers as beneficiaries. The results of the diagnosis are presented based on the applied instruments: Interview with the principal: evidence of a relative lack of knowledge of curricular management, as a commitment to guarantee efficient work in the classroom Survey of teachers: in teachers the vision is tacit that Curricular management presents difficulties in its execution, they consider that the principal should set an example of pedagogical leadership with the teachers, something that is not fully fulfilled. It corresponds to the Participatory Action research design and the type of research is applied. The techniques used were the survey and direct observation; the instruments were the survey questionnaire and the observation sheet. We will know the results when we apply the Plan. Well, this participatory action plan helped us to develop a diagnosis that will allow us to apply it to improve learning management.
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