Bibliographic citations
Romero, M., (2018). Gestión curricular para el manejo de los procesos pedagógicos por parte de los docentes del nivel primaria en una Institución Educativa, Región Loreto [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Romero, M., Gestión curricular para el manejo de los procesos pedagógicos por parte de los docentes del nivel primaria en una Institución Educativa, Región Loreto [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular para el manejo de los procesos pedagógicos por parte de los docentes del nivel primaria en una Institución Educativa, Región Loreto",
author = "Romero López, Maura",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
With the development of the present Design an improvement plan in curricular management for the management of pedagogical processes by teachers at the primary level in an educational institution, Loreto region, promoting spaces for self-reflection and collaborative work in the application adequate of the pedagogical processes in the development of the sessions; to obtain a teaching - significant learning in the students. The active methodology responds to the set of guidelines and orientations received in the Diploma and Second Specialty classes, techniques and instruments have been used such as: the tree of problems and objectives, consistency matrix, its design is Participatory Action Research, the diagnosis showed us that the teachers do not know or do not apply the pedagogical processes in the learning sessions, proposing as alternative solutions: a curricular management plan to strengthen the pedagogical processes in the learning sessions in secondary level teachers. A conceptual reference on pedagogical processes maintains: Minedu (2017), They are "activities that the teacher develops intentionally in order to mediate the significant learning of the student". The Action Plan seeks to improve the pedagogical practice of teachers in the Educational Institution. Teachers will show a better performance in the application of pedagogical processes in the development of their learning sessions, the action plan is viable and must be executed.
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