Bibliographic citations
Rodríguez, L., (2018). Gestion curricular para mejorar la aplicación de estrategias metodológicas en comprensión lectora mediante comunidades de aprendizaje en el nivel primaria de la institución educativa publica de Quichirragra, Huacaybamba, Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Rodríguez, L., Gestion curricular para mejorar la aplicación de estrategias metodológicas en comprensión lectora mediante comunidades de aprendizaje en el nivel primaria de la institución educativa publica de Quichirragra, Huacaybamba, Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestion curricular para mejorar la aplicación de estrategias metodológicas en comprensión lectora mediante comunidades de aprendizaje en el nivel primaria de la institución educativa publica de Quichirragra, Huacaybamba, Huánuco",
author = "Rodríguez Benites, Lucio Teodoro",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The present action plan work motivated me by reviewing the results of the ECE and the evaluation records of the primary level students had low achievements in reading comprehension, so the present work has as a general objective, Improve curricular management in the application of methodological strategies for reading comprehension in the area of communication in primary education of the I.E. No. 84060 of Quichirragra - Huacaybamba; whose participants are 6 teachers of the primary level, 82 students, of the primary education level and 40 parents, with the pedagogical leadership of the management team of the I.E. The interview technique was applied, through an interview form, whose study design is participatory action research. The usefulness of the action plan is to improve student learning, improve teacher performance and progress in ECE assessments, for which the manager, upon detecting some learning difficulties and teacher performance, must implement to improve curricular management. Finally concluding, the importance of curricular management of an educational institution is to improve student learning through capacity building for teachers in the application of relevant methodological strategies, in curricular planning according to the needs and interests of students and monitoring. and accompaniment to teaching practice as well as the use of educational materials and resources. Complementing with activities such as workshops, internships, self-reflection and meeting at GIAS.
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