Bibliographic citations
Ureta, L., (2018). Todos unidos en progreso por una escuela limpia, ecologica y saludable en la Institución Educativa Nº 32140 El Progreso de Ambo - Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Ureta, L., Todos unidos en progreso por una escuela limpia, ecologica y saludable en la Institución Educativa Nº 32140 El Progreso de Ambo - Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Todos unidos en progreso por una escuela limpia, ecologica y saludable en la Institución Educativa Nº 32140 El Progreso de Ambo - Huánuco",
author = "Ureta Campos, Ludi Patrocinia",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
This Good Practice experience called all United in Progress for a Clean and Ecological School, has been developed based on the identification of a problem, which is the poor environmental culture of our students at the I.E. No. 32140 Progress. The Good Practice with outstanding environmental achievements aims to seek to train people aware of contributing to the development of a healthy quality of life and care for the environment, through actions that allow the development of activities that commit our educational community, to interrelate with their environment through through its environmental and ecological culture, taking advantage of spaces, the rational and sustainable use of our natural resources, the prevention of soil contamination and the promotion of a culture of reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste that lasts from generation to generation , making it sustainable. It focuses on the transversal approach proposed by the MINEDU national curriculum called Environmental Approach, with which teachers sought to articulate various curricular areas through consensus planning, developed in work teams, thus achieving favorable, outstanding responses and noticeable changes in attitude. in the students, compared to what was proposed. The Good Practice in the Educational Institution was developed in an active, dynamic, responsible manner by all the actors in education in a committed manner.
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