Bibliographic citations
Herrera, A., (2018). Comunidad de aprendizaje para fortalecer el cumplimiento de deberes y derechos de los padres de familia en la institución educativa pública de Marcopata – Huacrachuco - 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Herrera, A., Comunidad de aprendizaje para fortalecer el cumplimiento de deberes y derechos de los padres de familia en la institución educativa pública de Marcopata – Huacrachuco - 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Comunidad de aprendizaje para fortalecer el cumplimiento de deberes y derechos de los padres de familia en la institución educativa pública de Marcopata – Huacrachuco - 2018",
author = "Herrera Benaute, Alejandrino",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
This Action Plan, as a prioritized initiative in Educational Institution No. 84081, has as its main goal the general objective: Frequently guide parents on duties and rights due to the absence of their children at public educational institution No. 84081 of Marcopata, whose purpose is to make parents recognize their duties and responsibilities with their children. The research is of a qualitative type, whose study is open, flexible and holistic; its design: Participatory-Action-Research, because it is collaborative and democratic. The in-depth interview was applied to the teacher, to identify the causes of the problem, meetings for reflection, orientation, awareness, strengthening and the formation of a School for parents are encouraged. The experiences of the referents and theorists analyze that students lose classes due to their absences, whose approach is to constantly provide guidance to parents on the duties and rights of their children and provide them with an education with dignity and quality. In conclusion, the Action Plan guides the development of a solution to a problem, where the pedagogical leader is the main person in charge of school management, should promote meetings to raise awareness and social strengthening, permanent dialogue with parents, parent school , orientation of norms and reflection meetings with the entire educational community.
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