Bibliographic citations
Calizaya, L., (2018). Gestión curricular en el desarrollo de estrategias de autonomía en la institución educativa inicial nº 229-a Mafalda Cespedes Quelopana de la provincia Tacna – Tacna [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Calizaya, L., Gestión curricular en el desarrollo de estrategias de autonomía en la institución educativa inicial nº 229-a Mafalda Cespedes Quelopana de la provincia Tacna – Tacna [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular en el desarrollo de estrategias de autonomía en la institución educativa inicial nº 229-a Mafalda Cespedes Quelopana de la provincia Tacna – Tacna",
author = "Calizaya Pereira, Lourdes Gregoria",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The Action Plan has been developed from a real diagnosis of the existing problems in the Educational Institution such as inadequate curricular management in the development of autonomy strategies in the Initial Educational Institution No. 229-A Mafalda Céspedes Quelopana province of Tacna -Tacna, from the point of view of the director and pedagogical leader of this educational institution, one of the main actions is to prioritize and ensure the improvement of student learning, the general objective being to strengthen curricular management in the development of autonomy strategies through through the implementation of a Collegiate Work Plan in the Educational Institution No. 229-A Mafalda Céspedes Quelopana. This work considers a type of research under the qualitative approach, a participatory action research design for the preparation of this Action Plan, in order to carry out the diagnosis and identify the problem, various instruments were used, such as the observation sheet and the survey. , which allowed prioritizing the alternative solution that is the Implementation of a collegiate work plan to strengthen the development of autonomy strategies; allowing to analyze some concepts that allow us to deepen the investigation and solve the problem raised. To conclude, the present work that is presented, allows to extend all the capacities and competences, which have been developed in the modules and works of both the Diploma of specialization in school management and the Second specialty in school management with a mention in pedagogical leadership, In such sense, it is necessary to emphasize both moments have allowed us to empower ourselves, and this is how it has been possible to identify some difficulties and strengths in the Educational Institution, at the same time, to be able to apply interpersonal skills to improve school coexistence, reaching consensus, to make agreements and actions that allow strengthening the capacities of teachers and therefore the improvement of learning of boys and girls.
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