Bibliographic citations
Bernaola, M., (2018). Gestión de un plan de mejora en la participación y clima escolar para optimizar el proceso pedagógico para el logro de aprendizajes en los estudiantes de secundaria de la institución educativa “Indalecio Trillo” de la provincia de Caravelí - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Bernaola, M., Gestión de un plan de mejora en la participación y clima escolar para optimizar el proceso pedagógico para el logro de aprendizajes en los estudiantes de secundaria de la institución educativa “Indalecio Trillo” de la provincia de Caravelí - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión de un plan de mejora en la participación y clima escolar para optimizar el proceso pedagógico para el logro de aprendizajes en los estudiantes de secundaria de la institución educativa “Indalecio Trillo” de la provincia de Caravelí - Arequipa",
author = "Bernaola Perales, Martha Esvelia",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
This research work addresses the educational implications, it is aimed at teachers, it presents an updated approach, integrating moral development in reference to the rules of coexistence, in its fulfillment of its exercise; It depends on the achievement of educational quality, which means the practice of participation as an educational agent that gets involved to integrate itself in the solution of problems, and the development of the school that we want. From this perspective, the issues, first related to the importance of the prevailing social and emotional school climate in classrooms and schools. Since climates characterized by warmth, fairness and trust promote pro-social behavior to an orientation of good will (Arsenio and Lover). First pay attention to the risks of cliques and peer exclusion during adolescence. Second, the importance of the practice of ethics and constructivist and evolutionary discipline. With common goals of effective and efficient behavior control, emphasizing the intrinsic motivation of social skills in solving social problems in order to model behavior towards the achievement of learning with quality and warmth. The participation of the family is essential as stated by UNESCO. Directive leadership with its influence on teachers to achieve quality learning objectives according to Kenneth Leithwood. The context that surrounds the student is important, which is related to values and attitudes in order to generate a more just, inclusive and equitable society for all, it is a heuristic perspective whose scenario in all its aspects is involved in their education. , according to Murillo; It raises the territorial approach since society and its context are part of its socialization, culture, beliefs, art, language, customs and their needs, demands and high expectations. In conclusion; the school climate is a factor associated with learning with a greater incidence in the student for a good coexistence between peers and teacher according to UNESCO 2008.
The present research work addresses the educational implications, it is aimed at teachers, it presents an updated, inclusive approach to moral development in reference to the rules of coexistence, in its fulfillment of its exercise; the achievement of educational quality depends, which means the practice of participation as an educational agent that is involved to integrate into the solution of problems, and the development of the school that we want. From this perspective, the issues, first related to the importance of the prevailing social and emotional school climate in classrooms and schools. Since the climates characterized by their warmth, fairness and trust promote pro-social behavior to an orientation of goodwill (Arsenio and Lover). First pay attention to the risks of cliques and peer exclusion during adolescence. Second, the importance of the practice of ethics and the constructivist and evolutionary discipline. With common goals of effective and efficient behavior control, emphasizing the intrinsic motivation of social skills in solving social problems in order to model behavior towards the achievement of learning with quality and warmth. The participation of the family is fundamental as stated by Unesco. Directive leadership with its influence on teachers to achieve quality learning objectives according to Kenneth Leithwood. The context that surrounds the student is important, which is related to values and attitudes in order to generate a more just, inclusive and equitable society for all, it is a heuristic perspective whose scenario in all its aspects is involved in their education. , according to Murillo; It raises the territorial approach since society and its context is part of its socialization, culture, belief, art, language, customs and its needs, demands and high expectations. In conclusion; The school climate is a factor associated with the learning with the highest incidence in the student for a good coexistence between peers and teacher according to UNESCO 2008.
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