Bibliographic citations
Sullca, A., (2018). Gestión curricular en el enfoque por competencias del area de matematicas en la I.E. Túpac Amaru - Tapuc, Provincia Daniel Alcides Carrion, Region Pasco [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Sullca, A., Gestión curricular en el enfoque por competencias del area de matematicas en la I.E. Túpac Amaru - Tapuc, Provincia Daniel Alcides Carrion, Region Pasco [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular en el enfoque por competencias del area de matematicas en la I.E. Túpac Amaru - Tapuc, Provincia Daniel Alcides Carrion, Region Pasco",
author = "Sullca Cjumo, Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The constant concern for improving educational quality, in the face of various problems that afflict the education sector, we find in the I.E. "Túpac Amaru" of Tápuc, the development of mathematical competences in the student, through an empowerment of the approach on the part of the teachers in which an adequate curricular management is sought to overcome this problem. Likewise, we find specific objectives that propose the strategic use of educational materials, the efficiently developed MAE plan and the development of didactic strategies in teachers. For this reason, the existence of theoretical sources and some consulted references, bring us closer to giving an overview of a solution to our problem; We have worked with 4 teachers, using data collection instruments, employing a type of applied research, with the design of participatory action research. The recent ECE evaluations give us alarming figures on the performance obtained by the students in the area of Mathematics, and through the monitoring process it was possible to identify that the teacher is not using the pedagogical proposal of developing competences in the students, compared to this the The Action Plan that is proposed seeks to reverse this situation through an adequate use of resources and strategies proposed by the existing theoretical references to overcome this situation; and as a pedagogical leader responsible for school management, seek strategies that allow the sustained development of the institution, for this reason it must ensure an increase in the levels of development of skills in students, mold teachers in a pedagogical way, improving their teaching styles through professional learning communities, which is a strategy that will allow work at the teacher level, managing to improve educational quality through shared leadership. Collegiate work that allows interaction between teachers, that actively involves the student and generating the dynamic participation of education actors, will allow generating very interesting expectations for the future.
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