Bibliographic citations
Herrera, A., (2018). Gestión curricular para el logro de aprendizajes en el área de historia, geografía y economía mediante la implementación de una comunidad profesional de aprendizaje en el nivel secundaria de la institución educativa Arequipa del distrito de Arequipa - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Herrera, A., Gestión curricular para el logro de aprendizajes en el área de historia, geografía y economía mediante la implementación de una comunidad profesional de aprendizaje en el nivel secundaria de la institución educativa Arequipa del distrito de Arequipa - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular para el logro de aprendizajes en el área de historia, geografía y economía mediante la implementación de una comunidad profesional de aprendizaje en el nivel secundaria de la institución educativa Arequipa del distrito de Arequipa - Arequipa",
author = "Herrera Méndez, Angel René",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
Summary: During the time of experience as a director, the work has been more administrative than pedagogical, academic performance being a concern, however the director did not have the necessary tools to directly influence him, now that these tools have been provided, it is imperative to trace an action plan to improve learning, improving teaching practice through collegiate work, for which the objective is to "Strengthen curricular management for learning achievements in the area of History, Geography and Economics through the implementation of a professional community of learning at the secondary level of IE Arequipa. The population that will be worked with will be: 1 Director, 02 secondary deputy directors, 05 teachers, and 02 parents. The research design is a participatory action research, of an applied type with a qualitative approach. For the lifting of the diagnosis, a survey was used to collect the opinion of the teachers, as well as a documentary analysis sheet to collect the results of the evaluation minutes, with which it was found that none of the fifth grade students reached the satisfactory level. in the area of History, this is because adequate collegiate work is not carried out due to lack of support from the manager. Then, as an alternative solution, the organization of a collegiate work is proposed through a professional learning community that really guides the teacher in his academic work where the director fulfills the work of pedagogical leader. Within the references we find that the curricular management in most schools is that this management is authoritarian, traditionalist, and not very participatory, that it lacks adaptation and pedagogical commitment, for which a more open management and support for the teaching staff is proposed. , so that you feel supported technically and emotionally. During the study process, it has been internalized that the director is really a pedagogical leader who can and has the necessary tools to positively influence the learning process, so this action plan will really contribute to improving learning and hence its need. to implement it.
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