Bibliographic citations
Rivera, A., (2018). Gestión curricular en la planificación de unidades y sesiones de aprendizaje en la institución educativa. N°40083 Franklin Roosevelt del nivel primario del distrito de Tiabaya - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Rivera, A., Gestión curricular en la planificación de unidades y sesiones de aprendizaje en la institución educativa. N°40083 Franklin Roosevelt del nivel primario del distrito de Tiabaya - Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular en la planificación de unidades y sesiones de aprendizaje en la institución educativa. N°40083 Franklin Roosevelt del nivel primario del distrito de Tiabaya - Arequipa",
author = "Rivera Gonzalez, Ana Luisa",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
Within the new concepts in the current transformation of Peruvian education, pedagogical leadership is highlighted as a characteristic of the directors of an IE, as one who inspires, guides, mobilizes others to achieve goals, one who seeks in a participatory manner to develop the continuous training of teachers and improvement of student learning. This characteristic leads us to ask ourselves the following question: do we managers have the capacity to face this great challenge? The realization of this action plan tries to respond to this great challenge, considering as an objective to improve curricular management in the planning of units and learning sessions through a plan to strengthen teaching capacities at IE 40083 Franklin Roosevelt primary level of the district from Tiabaya - Arequipa. The research is born from a diagnosis and the need to achieve significant learning in students. In recent years, the didactic approaches and processes of the different areas have varied substantially, for this reason it is presented as an alternative solution to implement actions that manage to strengthen capacities in teachers for an adequate planning of their curricular documents. The research method is the qualitative approach of the applied type, whose design is action research and whose variant is defined as participatory action research. The study population considered 16 primary level teachers who work in the educational institution and the deputy director. The techniques used were the interview and focus groups and the instruments designed were the in-depth interview and the unstructured guides. Because it is an action plan, we still do not have the results of the study carried out, but we intend to discover the impact produced by the curricular management exercised by the director in the planning of units and learning sessions carried out by the teacher.
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