Bibliographic citations
Sánchez, M., (2018). Plan de monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación de la práctica pedagógica para mejorar la gestión curricular del nivel secundaria, en la Institución Educativa Pública Agropecuario N° 110 del distrito de Yurimaguas, provincia de Alto Amazonas, región Loreto, 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Sánchez, M., Plan de monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación de la práctica pedagógica para mejorar la gestión curricular del nivel secundaria, en la Institución Educativa Pública Agropecuario N° 110 del distrito de Yurimaguas, provincia de Alto Amazonas, región Loreto, 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Plan de monitoreo, acompañamiento y evaluación de la práctica pedagógica para mejorar la gestión curricular del nivel secundaria, en la Institución Educativa Pública Agropecuario N° 110 del distrito de Yurimaguas, provincia de Alto Amazonas, región Loreto, 2018",
author = "Sánchez Pinedo de Ocmín, Milagros",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The objective of this academic work is to design a monitoring, accompaniment and evaluation plan for the pedagogical practice at the secondary level of the public educational institution "Agropecuario No. 110" in the district of Yurimaguas, province of Alto Amazonas, Loreto region, 2018. developed with the participation of managers and teachers. Its purpose is to improve curricular management through an efficient use of human, material, and time resources. As a methodology, the participatory action research design was used, of an applied type, with a qualitative approach and an interview guide was applied, allowing the problem under study to be identified and the alternative solution called "Proposal of a monitoring, accompaniment and evaluation plan to be proposed". of pedagogical practice to strengthen curricular management”, reviewing for this different theories such as that of Viviane Robinson (2008) that deals with managerial leadership and the impact on student results through planning, coordination and evaluation of teaching and the curriculum, in the same way, Guerrero (2016a) talks about pedagogical monitoring and the collection of information on the teacher's work in the classroom. Likewise, the R.S.G. N° 008-2016, MINEDU indicates that pedagogical accompaniment is an in-service teacher training strategy that individually and collectively promotes the improvement of their pedagogical practice. Concluding that there is a need to design a proposal for a MAE plan for the pedagogical practice of teachers.
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