Bibliographic citations
Marca, Y., (2018). Gestión curricular en la planificación de proyectos de aprendizaje en el marco de la implementación del currículo nacional en la Institución Educativa Inicial 15 De Agosto Del Distrito Paucarpata– Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Marca, Y., Gestión curricular en la planificación de proyectos de aprendizaje en el marco de la implementación del currículo nacional en la Institución Educativa Inicial 15 De Agosto Del Distrito Paucarpata– Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular en la planificación de proyectos de aprendizaje en el marco de la implementación del currículo nacional en la Institución Educativa Inicial 15 De Agosto Del Distrito Paucarpata– Arequipa",
author = "Marca Alanocca, Ysabel Teresa",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
This Action Plan to be developed in the Initial Educational Institution August 15, is entitled Curriculum management in the planning of learning projects within the framework of the implementation of the national curriculum in the Initial Educational Institution August 15 of the district of Paucarpata-Arequipa , has as a general objective Strengthen an adequate curricular management for the planning and execution of learning projects within the framework of the national curriculum through a Teacher Strengthening Plan in planning and execution of learning projects, considering as participants a director with a classroom to position and 5 teachers. The present study is of an applied type, this research approach proposes to solve problems detected in curricular planning based on learning projects, the research design is that of participatory action research, enriching itself with different information collection techniques carried out on teachers. such as the interview, the Focus group and the application of the information in the monitoring of the teaching practice in the detection of the problem, having as an alternative solution the institutionalization of the professional learning community making use of the analysis of the conceptual and theoretical referents to the approach of the proposed actions. The Framework for Good Management Performance (MBDDir) mentions that the manager must guide and promote the participation of the teaching team of the I.E in the curricular planning processes, guiding them towards the achievement of learning goals, which is an objective for the author of the present investigation.
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