Bibliographic citations
Tarazona, H., (2018). Gestión curricular para mejorar el desarrollo de la competencia: resuelve problemas de cantidad del área de matemática, en docentes del nivel Primario de la I.E. 32076 “Javier Pulgar Vidal” de Utao-Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Tarazona, H., Gestión curricular para mejorar el desarrollo de la competencia: resuelve problemas de cantidad del área de matemática, en docentes del nivel Primario de la I.E. 32076 “Javier Pulgar Vidal” de Utao-Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular para mejorar el desarrollo de la competencia: resuelve problemas de cantidad del área de matemática, en docentes del nivel Primario de la I.E. 32076 “Javier Pulgar Vidal” de Utao-Huánuco",
author = "Tarazona y Tarazona, Héctor Félix",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The action plan called Curricular Management to improve the development of competence: solves problems of quantity in the area of mathematics, in teachers of the primary level of the I.E. 32076 "Javier Pulgar Vidal" of Utao-Huánuco, has as general objective: Improve curricular management for the development of competence: solve quantity problems in the area of mathematics, in primary level teachers. The sample made up of 7 teachers and the 114 students of the primary level has been considered. The work is characterized by being Applied-Qualitative, according to the study design it is Participatory Action Research. Because it is a planning that must be done to develop the objectives. According to Roberts, as cited in Hernández (2014, p.501) “In these designs a problem is solved or changes are implemented; but in this, one or several researchers and participants or members of the community involved intervene in a more collaborative and democratic way” The instruments that have been used in this action plan are: notebooks or field notebooks, records, question guide and questionnaire. Based on the information that exists, it will allow optimizing the monitoring and accompaniment in the planning of learning sessions in the area of mathematics, strengthening the use of educational materials to develop learning in the mentioned area and strengthening the use of didactic strategies for teaching. of problem solving.
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