Bibliographic citations
Cruz, J., Peña, J., Salazar, P. (2019). Propuesta curricular para el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas en el área de Comunicación en los estudiantes de tercer año de secundaria de una institución educativa de Villa el Salvado [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Cruz, J., Peña, J., Salazar, P. Propuesta curricular para el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas en el área de Comunicación en los estudiantes de tercer año de secundaria de una institución educativa de Villa el Salvado [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2019.
title = "Propuesta curricular para el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas en el área de Comunicación en los estudiantes de tercer año de secundaria de una institución educativa de Villa el Salvado",
author = "Salazar Astete, Paola Evelyn",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2019"
The main objective of this work of professional sufficiency is to design a didactic model oriented to the development of communicative competences in students of the third year of secondary school in the area of Communication. In order to sustain this proposition, it has been taken the theoretical bases of the most significant postulates of education, highlighting the teachinglearning process, the significance of the environment, the experiences acquired in the teaching work and, above all, the knowledge of the needs and cognitive and affective deficiencies of the students from an educational institution in Villa El Salvador. On the other hand, the work exhibits three chapters that, as well, keep a logical, coherent and cohesive sequence between themselves. The first chapter presents the description, diagnosis and features of the educational institution, as well as the objectives of the work of sufficiency and justification. Subsequently, chapter II exhibits the theoretical bases and instruments of the following paradigms: Cognitive Development of Piaget, Ausubel and Bruner; Sociocultural-context of Vygotsky and Feuerstein; the theories of Intelligence, Stemberg's Triarchic as well as Román's and Diez's Threedimensional; and the definition, nature, methodology and evaluation of the sociocognitivehumanist paradigm. Chapter III presents the didactical model that includes the Annual Programming, which is concretized in the T model which integrates competences, capacities, contents, methods, values and attitudes. In addition, it brings together diagnostic evaluation, content frameworks and conceptual networks, learning units, activities, learning guides for students, process and end of unit evaluations, support materials; to culminate in conclusions, recommendations and references, according to APA standards.
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