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Castañeda Abanto, Doris Teresa
Cueva Zavala, Miguel Angel
ABSTRACT The mining activity is one of the most profitable in the universal field and is one of the most income that provides the country, due to the diversity and quantity of minerals that the different regions of Peru possess; this characteristic has motivated national and international investors to see mining as an effective tool for development, thus generating new concessions that guarantee the benefit of their host communities with canon projects and promising royalties treatment. However, there is an element of vital importance in the exploitation of this profitable activity and it is the relationship with the community, which in our country is not the best, which in some way conditions its normal development and permanence within a region. For this reason it is necessary to know one of the many variables of this reality as is the perception of citizens, in this case the students of the main house of studies in the city of Cajamarca, since being the future professionals of the The city will play a role that is more than important in the stability of the mining activity of this city In this way the present investigation identified the perception of the students of the National University of Cajamarca with respect to the mining activity in the district of Cajamarca, where the perception regarding the economic, social and environmental impacts of the mining was evaluated; In the same way, we also sought to identify alternative activities that could be another development option in the city, according to the students' opinion. For the development of this research, the descriptive method was used, and the survey technique was used through a questionnaire of questions, which resulted in an interpretation of graphs where it was concluded that the perception has fairly even split positions; since half of the population considers the positive activity for the job that originated and the other half considers it negative given the unfulfilled commitments to date by the mining company operating in the district of the city of Cajamarca. On the other hand, students of the National University of Cajamarca, considers that tourism is an alternative activity that could also lead to the development of the region with fewer negative impacts than regret (es_PE)
RESUMEN La actividad minera es una de las más rentables en el mundo y también una importante fuente generadora de ingresos. En el caso peruano la riqueza en minerales es evidente, lo cual, ha motivado la llegada de inversionistas extranjeros. No obstante, existe un elemento de vital importancia en la explotación de minerales y es la relación con la comunidad -que en Perú no es la mejor- condicionando así, su normal desarrollo y permanencia dentro de una región. Por tal motivo, es necesario conocer la percepción de los ciudadanos, en este caso la de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, ya que al ser los futuros profesionales de la ciudad cumplirán una labor más que importante en la estabilidad de la actividad minera de esta ciudad. Para analizar la percepción de los universitarios se aplicó una encuesta (a una muestra de la población estudiantil) respecto al impacto de la actividad minera en Cajamarca, luego de lo cual, se indagó acerca de su postura sobre la misma, encontrándose que esta se divide en regular (48%), negativa (44%) y neutra (8%). Por otro lado, los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, asumen que el turismo es una actividad alternativa que podría promover el desarrollo de la región y con menos impactos negativos que la minería. (es_PE)
Tesis (es_PE)
spa (es_PE)
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (es_PE)
info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess (es_PE)
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/pe/ (es_PE)
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (es_PE)
Repositorio institucional - UNITRU (es_PE)
Percepción (es_PE)
Actividad minera (es_PE)
Estudiantes universitarios (es_PE)
Percepción del estudiante de la universidad nacional de Cajamarca con respecto a la actividad minera en el distrito de Cajamarca (es_PE)
info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis (es_PE)
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.Escuela de Posgrado (es_PE)
Maestría en Ciencias mención Gestión Ambiental (es_PE)
Maestría (es_PE)
Maestro en Ciencias (es_PE)

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