Citas bibligráficas
Ticllahuanca, A., (2020). Implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad para la reducción de accidentes laborales en ISOELECTRIC S.A.C. [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias e Informática].
Ticllahuanca, A., Implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad para la reducción de accidentes laborales en ISOELECTRIC S.A.C. [Tesis]. : Universidad Peruana de Ciencias e Informática; 2020.
title = "Implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad para la reducción de accidentes laborales en ISOELECTRIC S.A.C.",
author = "Ticllahuanca Mantari, Abraham Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias e Informática",
year = "2020"
Risk factors associated with the job of the operational part of the company were identified, where the workers were surrounded by risks that imply direct cause of accidents or occupational diseases, the working conditions and environment were deficient, this motivated the approach of the In order to determine how the occupational health and safety management system influences the reduction of occupational accidents in the operational area of ISOELECTRIC SAC., the results were as follows: For specific hypothesis 1, according to the application of the checklist or the baseline, it is concluded that the evaluation according to the system elements, the degree of compliance with the occupational health and safety management system is POOR and the score is 47 in the pre-test, after the implementation of the management system, another follow-up evaluation was made again and it is shown that the score rose from 47 to 271 and the poor score was REGULAR in the post-test For specific hypothesis 2, locative, mechanical, ergonomic and electrical risk factors are those that present the highest level of risk factor indicator and greater emphasis should be placed to reduce hazards and thus avoid work avoid after Implementation of the management system shows the reduction of criticism between the test and the indicator test: on location from 1333 to 301, mechanical from 825 to 288, ergonomic 796 to 252 and electrical from 565 to 132, these scores the Operation of controls applied. For specific hypothesis 3, the repair or maintenance of the motor or transformation, assembly or assembly of the equipment, receipt of the motor or transformer from the warehouse and transfer to the test room and dismantling of the motor or transformer; these are the activities with the highest criticality and where workers are exposed to the highest risk to danger, after the implementation of the system with the control measures according to the hierarchy of controls, the reduction in criticality of the risk level between prestest and posttest of 1691 is shown to 511, from 1049 to 296, from 702 to 211 and from 527 to 167 so on. In conclusion, it was determined that the correct implementation of the occupational health and safety management system does influence the reduction of occupational accidents in the operational area of ISOELECTRIC SAC, taking into account the good diagnosis of the baseline and the adequate implementation of the Matrix. hazard identification, risk assessment and determination of control means according to the hierarchy of controls, as well as continuous monitoring of them. These results are related to what other national and international studies have found.
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