Bibliographic citations
Cardenas, S., (2023). Propuesta de estandarización de procedimientos constructivos en la construcción del Metro Línea 2 para la reducción de productos no conformes [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Cardenas, S., Propuesta de estandarización de procedimientos constructivos en la construcción del Metro Línea 2 para la reducción de productos no conformes [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Propuesta de estandarización de procedimientos constructivos en la construcción del Metro Línea 2 para la reducción de productos no conformes",
author = "Cardenas Iparraguirre, Sharon Cinthya",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
Lima, a city with approximately nine million inhabitants, required fast, modern and safe transportation, with Line 1 of the Lima Metro that connects the districts of Villa el Salvador with San Juan de Lurigancho along 34.6 km of track an improvement of urban transport begins using modern technology and which constitutes one of the most important axes for the displacement of people that the capital city has. Currently, the construction of Metro Line 2 is being developed, which will be the first underground metro in Peru, becoming the first means of mass transportation that will pass under the city and fully automatic, built with the most modern and advanced technology in mass transport infrastructure of the country, for this reason this thesis is carried out in the construction project of Metro Line 2 in charge of the Metro Line 2 Consortium having as scope works of design, financing, construction of Civil Works, Provision of Electromechanical Equipment, Rolling Stock Systems and Commissioning. Said activities are monitored by the Ministry of Transport and Communications through the Supervising Public Body for Investment in Transport Infrastructure (OSITRAN), thus obliging the Consortium to comply with the established schedules and the Engineering Studies thus complying with the established delivery time. The present investigation proposes to apply an improvement tool such as the standardization of the construction processes of Infrastructure civil works that includes the construction of piles, diaphragm walls and slabs of stage 1B, based on the ISO 9001:2015 standard; where the largest number of non-conforming products were identified and represent the most critical in quality and cost and have caused delays in the delivery time established by the Metro Lima 2 concessionaire, for this reason it is necessary to apply the standardization of processes to avoid the recurrence of non-conforming products and comply with the contractual conditions of the construction project for Metro Line 2 and Ramal 4. Finally, with the updating of the documents that the Metro Lima 2 concessionaire has, the reduction of non-compliant products was verified in 2022 compared to 2019, 2020 and 2021, results that were evaluated by experts in the field.
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