Bibliographic citations
Brañez, A., (2023). Evaluación de la calidad de agua mediante técnicas de análisis multivariantes y el índice ICARHS en el río Cañete (Tramo Yauyos - San Vicente de Cañete) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Brañez, A., Evaluación de la calidad de agua mediante técnicas de análisis multivariantes y el índice ICARHS en el río Cañete (Tramo Yauyos - San Vicente de Cañete) [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Evaluación de la calidad de agua mediante técnicas de análisis multivariantes y el índice ICARHS en el río Cañete (Tramo Yauyos - San Vicente de Cañete)",
author = "Brañez Condorena, Ana María",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
In recent years, some water quality parameters have been registered that exceed the environmental water quality standards in the Cañete River due to the existence of polluting sources of anthropic origin. The main objective of this study was to asses the water quality through multivariate analysis techniques and the ICARHS index in the Cañete river (Yauyos-San Vicente de Cañete stretch). To do this, the physical-chemical, inorganic and microbiological parameters were analyzed in seven monitoring stations of surface water quality, during 2013-2021 period. First, the water quality in the monitoring stations was evaluated by the ICARHS index, whose assessment scale varies from 0 to 100, with the lowest level being terrible and the highest being excellent. It was obtained that the quality of the water is bad in the QYauy1 station, which means, it does not meet the quality objectives; it is regular at the RCañe6 and RCañe7 station, which means, it is occasionally threatened or damaged; it is good at the RCañe5, RCañe8, RCañe9 and RCañe10 stations, which means, it is a little removed from the natural quality of the water. Secondly, the techniques of multivariate analysis, exploratory factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were applied using the SPSS program. The exploratory factorial analysis was applied with the aim of obtaining the factors that explain the variation of the water quality and determine the most important water quality parameters, for which the method of principal components was applied for the extraction of factors and the method of rotation of Varimax factors; then the hierarchical cluster analysis was applied with the aim of grouping the stations according to their similarity and identify the least relevant, where the Ward grouping method and the squared Euclidean distance similarity measure were applied. Through the exploratory factor analysis, five factors were obtained that explained 79,06% of the total variance of the water quality data. The factors obtained indicate that variations in water quality may be due to anthropogenic and natural sources. The first factor represents the mineralization of the water, by rocks and soils, and the contamination by discharges of untreated wastewater; the second factor represents heavy metals from minerals and rocks; the third factor represents the mineralization of water by rocks and soils; the fourth factor represents agricultural activity, the disposal of wastewater and the oxidation of nitrogenous waste from human and animal excreta; and the fifth factor represents the presence of oxygen in the water. 14 parameters were identified as the most significant, which represents 82,4% of the 17 water quality parameters analyzed. In addition, it was found that pH is the least relevant parameter. Through the hierarchical cluster analysis, the monitoring stations were grouped into four groups and it was found that the QYauy1 station is the least representative station of the evaluated section.
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