Bibliographic citations
Herradda, J., (2023). Influencia de la bacteria Bacillus subtilis en la reparación de fisuras en concretos con A/C de 0.45 y 0.50 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Herradda, J., Influencia de la bacteria Bacillus subtilis en la reparación de fisuras en concretos con A/C de 0.45 y 0.50 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Influencia de la bacteria Bacillus subtilis en la reparación de fisuras en concretos con A/C de 0.45 y 0.50",
author = "Herradda Montagne, Juan Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
One of the biggest problems in concrete is its enormous tendency to crack, this can be due to the shrinkage it suffers at the moment of setting, overloading, seismic movements, extreme temperatures throughout the day and defects in the construction process itself. These cracks represent an enormous problem for the structures because they are an access through which some type of agent can be introduced that can damage the interior steel; in works in which the flow or storage of water is important, losses by infiltration could be generated and in concrete elements in general the cracks tend to reduce the resistance and durability of the same. In all cases the cracks, if not treated in time, tend to increase and this only makes the situation more critical. Due to the above mentioned problem, this thesis proposes to determine the influence of Bacillus Subtilis bacteria in the repair of cracks in concrete with w/c of 0.45 and 0.50. For this purpose, standard and admixture mix designs were carried out, taking into account a proportion of bacteria for each w/c. The mix design started with the study of the materials, then the mix design was carried out applying the global aggregate method looking for a slump of 3'' to 4''. The addition of bacteria to the concrete was done directly at the time of mixing together with the design water, the amount of bacteria added followed a ratio of 1kg per 200 liters of water and this solution was prepared moments before pouring because it should not have a direct and prolonged contact with light. In turn, the amount of 10 kg of calcium nitrate per cubic meter of concrete was considered as a food source for the bacteria, a component that was diluted in part of the design water and added in the same way at the time of pouring. Subsequently, samples were prepared and axial compression tests were performed at 7, 14 and 28 days; tensile tests at 28 days and finally monitoring of the possible closure of the cracks present in the concrete specimens. As a result of the tests on fresh concrete, it was found that the addition of bacteria to the concrete mix influenced the properties measured, which were slump, percentage of exudation, air content and setting time, both initial and final. It was determined that the added concretes presented higher slump than the standards, this increase was 83% and 68%, for w/c of 0.45 and 0.50, respectively. With respect to exudation, it was determined that the admixed concrete presented a higher percentage of exudation than the traditional concretes, this variation being from 0.44 to 0.55 and from 0.66 to 0.93 for the a/c mentioned. As for the air content, it did not present large variations, all the values found being around 2%, very close to the value stipulated by the ACI tables. Finally, both the initial and final setting time showed variations that generally increased, with the initial setting time going from 193 to 200 minutes and from 203 to 200 minutes, for the a/c of 0.45 and 0.50. For the final setting time, these values ranged from 273 to 307 minutes and from 280 to 300 minutes, taking the a/c mentioned above as a reference. Likewise, for the concrete compressive strength tests, both axial and diametral, increases in these properties were determined. These were 6.71% and 10.80% for the a/c of 0.45 and 0.50 respectively, considering the axial compressive strength; and 3.95% and 10.16% for the diametral compressive strength for the a/c mentioned above. Finally, regarding the closure of the cracks, it was determined that the concrete added with bacteria designed in this research presents self-repairing characteristics, although it is important to note that this percentage of closure is really low and depends largely on the width of the crack, since those that were repaired satisfactorily did not have a width greater than 0.5 mm.
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