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Chuquizuta, J., (2023). Arquitectura educativa, comercial y deportiva [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Chuquizuta, J., Arquitectura educativa, comercial y deportiva [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Arquitectura educativa, comercial y deportiva",
author = "Chuquizuta Zuta, Juan Fernando",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
Title: Arquitectura educativa, comercial y deportiva
Authors(s): Chuquizuta Zuta, Juan Fernando
Advisor(s): Palacios Rojas, Juan Luis
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional tiene por objeto demostrar el nivel alcanzado en el manejo del diseño arquitectónico a lo largo de los 33 años de experiencia profesional como Bachiller en Arquitectura, habiendo realizado actividades como profesional independiente y al interior de Instituciones públicas y privadas realizando lo siguiente: Desarrollo de Expedientes Técnicos, Asistente de Residencia de obras, Asistente de Supervisión de obras, así como en Gestión Pública habiendo ejerciendo cargos relacionados con la administración Municipal y Regional.
Todas estas experiencias adquiridas han contribuido a mi formación profesional en la especialidad de arquitectura y otros conocimientos necesarios para la concepción de los diversos proyectos; lo cual trato de mostrar en todos los proyectos presentados, los cuales constituyen el resultado final de esta valiosa experiencia acumulada hasta la fecha.
Durante estos largos años he desarrollado múltiples proyectos desde los más sencillos hasta los más complejos; teniendo en cuenta todas las condicionantes que exigen para la concepción del diseño como son: suelos, topografía, medio ambiente, clima, materiales, parámetros urbanísticos, reglamentación, costos y viabilidad del proyecto.
The purpose of this Professional Sufficiency Work is to demonstrate the level reached in the management of architectural design throughout the 33 years of professional experience as a Bachelor of Architecture, having carried out activities as an independent professional and within public and private Institutions carrying out the following: Development of Technical Files, Works Residence Assistant, Works Supervision Assistant, as well as in Public Management having held positions related to the Municipal and Regional administration. All these acquired experiences have contributed to my professional training in the specialty of architecture and other necessary knowledge for the conception of the various projects, which I try to show in all the projects presented, which constitute the final result of this valuable experience accumulated to date. During these long years I have developed multiple projects from the simplest to the most complex; taking into account all the conditions that are required for the conception of the design such as: soils, topography, environment, climate, materials, urban parameters, regulations, costs and feasibility of the project.
The purpose of this Professional Sufficiency Work is to demonstrate the level reached in the management of architectural design throughout the 33 years of professional experience as a Bachelor of Architecture, having carried out activities as an independent professional and within public and private Institutions carrying out the following: Development of Technical Files, Works Residence Assistant, Works Supervision Assistant, as well as in Public Management having held positions related to the Municipal and Regional administration. All these acquired experiences have contributed to my professional training in the specialty of architecture and other necessary knowledge for the conception of the various projects, which I try to show in all the projects presented, which constitute the final result of this valuable experience accumulated to date. During these long years I have developed multiple projects from the simplest to the most complex; taking into account all the conditions that are required for the conception of the design such as: soils, topography, environment, climate, materials, urban parameters, regulations, costs and feasibility of the project.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Juror: Cacho Cruz, Rocío Margarita; Alvarez Angulo, María Victoria
Register date: 4-Dec-2023
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