Bibliographic citations
Cortez, C., (2023). Determinación de la secuencia de minado y remanejo de stocks para el tratamiento de óxidos y de sulfuros en una mina de cobre a tajo abierto [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Cortez, C., Determinación de la secuencia de minado y remanejo de stocks para el tratamiento de óxidos y de sulfuros en una mina de cobre a tajo abierto [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Determinación de la secuencia de minado y remanejo de stocks para el tratamiento de óxidos y de sulfuros en una mina de cobre a tajo abierto",
author = "Cortez Tanta, Cristhian Andres",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
This sufficiency work proposes to determine an adequate mining sequence for feeding the oxide and sulfide plants, in a context of the ramp up process of both plants, in the Mina Justa mining unit of the company MARCOBRE.SAC, located in the department of Ica, at an altitude between 300 and 400 m.a.s.l. where Copper is produced in concentrates and cathodes. To determine the appropriate mining sequence that provides us with an optimal blending for feeding the oxide and sulfide plants, data provided by the different work areas involved in the process were gathered, such as Maintenance, Drilling and Blasting, Geology and plant, these data are as follows: • Equipment maintenance plan and compromised availability. • Drilling plan and weekly blasting schedule. • Lithology and grades of blastholes drilled in the field. • Maintenance plan for the oxide and sulfide plants. • Daily requirement of the oxide and sulfide plants. Knowing these data, we proceeded to develop different mining sequence alternatives, also taking into account the operating restrictions and safety conditions in the pit. Once the sequences had been prepared, they were reported using the Planner Project tool of the Mineplan mining software, thus obtaining the tonnages and grades of each type of material obtained in each alternative mining sequence. The tonnages and grades obtained from each material are compared with the daily requirement plan of the oxide and sulfide plants, the sequences that do comply with the requirement plan are part of the calculation of the optimal blending, while those that do not comply with said plan are discarded from the calculation process. Considering the mining sequences that, if they comply with the requirement plan of the oxide and sulfide plants, the optimal blending that maximizes the benefit obtained is calculated, for them the reports obtained from each mining sequence were inserted. in a macro that, through the VBA programming language, the Excel Solver tool gives us the required tonnage and grade values.
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