Bibliographic citations
Torres, P., (2022). Análisis litogeoquímico de rocas magmáticas para determinar su relación con los depósitos Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Torres, P., Análisis litogeoquímico de rocas magmáticas para determinar su relación con los depósitos Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Análisis litogeoquímico de rocas magmáticas para determinar su relación con los depósitos Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG)",
author = "Torres Cabrera, Paul Jhon",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Silurian-Devonian magmatic rocks of the San Nicolás Batholith, middle Jurassic of the Río Grande Formation, lower-middle Cretaceous of the Casma Group and Batholith of the Coast, are exposed in the study area located on the southern Peruvian coast between Ica and Acarí in the Jurassic-Cretaceous IOCG metallogenetic belts that host world-class deposits such as Marcona (Fe ± Cu), Pampa de Pongo (Fe ± Cu) and Mina Justa (Cu ± Au, Ag), as well as abundant Filonian deposits (Fe-Cu- Au) of small tonnage. A complete section of the Río Grande Formation (Aalenian - Tithonian) with a thickness of 2.8 km divided into upper and lower parts was measured. The lower part is 2 km predominantly volcanic andesite basaltic with restricted levels of limestone and the upper part comprises 800 m of a predominantly carbonate and silicoclastic sequence with andesite lava levels. Petrographic and petromineralogical studies with x-ray diffraction were carried out to complement the lithogeochemical study carried out in the magmatic rocks of the San Nicolás Batholith (granitoids), Río Grande Formation (basaltic andesites), Casma Group (basaltic andesites) and Coastal Batholith (granitoids). The lithogeochemistry of the studied magmatisms indicate calcoalkaline magmas, medium-high K, predominantly metalluminic, of the transitional island arc type (San Nicolas, Rio Grande and Casma) towards a continental arc (Coastal Batholith) in a subduction tectonic framework. Using Sr/Y it was found that the average thickness of the crust for the Jurassic-Cretaceous (Rio Grande-Casma) is 31 km due to an important crustal extension with rift-type basins that accompanied the subduction at the beginning of the Andean cycle. Likewise, the origin of magmatic sources indicates that the Batholiths of San Nicolas and of the Coast come from melts with high K, while the magmatism of Río Grande and Casma come from mafic rocks of low and high K and with little origin. of metasediments. 23 IOCG type anomalies were recorded (they present associations between Fe, Cu, Au, Ag, Mo, V, Co, U or REE) that are related to the magmatism of Río Grande and Casma, which are related to Fe-Cu-Au and Cu-Au mainly, while the Batholiths of San Nicolas and of the Coast do not show affiliation to metals. However, the Coastal Batholith has contributed to mineralization either as a heat engine to circulate fluids in the host rocks or as a direct source mineral-forming fluid.
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