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Meza, J., (2020). Planificación energética sostenible para el Perú: un enfoque desde la demanda [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Meza, J., Planificación energética sostenible para el Perú: un enfoque desde la demanda [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Planificación energética sostenible para el Perú: un enfoque desde la demanda",
author = "Meza Segura, José Neil",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
Title: Planificación energética sostenible para el Perú: un enfoque desde la demanda
Authors(s): Meza Segura, José Neil
Advisor(s): Gonzáles Palomino, Raúl; Luyo Kuong, Jaime Eulogio
Keywords: Planeamiento energético; Demanda de energía; Rotación de stock; Modelo de sustitución; Mitigación de GEI
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2020
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: A nivel mundial existen diferentes modelos energéticos implementados en softwares computacionales que sirven de base para el planeamiento energético desde los años 70. Sin embargo, la mayoría de estos modelos y sus respectivos softwares están enfocados en los sistemas energéticos de países desarrollados; por lo que, deben ser evaluados, complementados y mejorados, identificando las metodologías que mejor se adapten a las particularidades de un país en vías de desarrollo como el Perú y a la vez cumplan con los desafíos que plantean los sistemas energéticos actuales como son: la aparición de tecnologías disruptivas, un contexto internacional de lucha contra el cambio climático y el cumplimiento de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Estos puntos hacen que el análisis exhaustivo de la demanda sea el primer paso en el proceso de planificación ya que evita las inversiones en infraestructura innecesaria que tienen altos costos económicos en caso la demanda prevista sea mucho mayor a la real; así como, también disminuye la probabilidad de déficit de infraestructura cuando la demanda prevista sea mucho menor a la real.
El objetivo de la presente investigación es desarrollar una metodología de planificación energética con un enfoque en la demanda y que tenga adecuado nivel de desagregación del consumo energético nacional que permitirá dimensionar adecuadamente las políticas energéticas. Para este fin, se desarrollaron e integraron un modelo de uso final mediante rotación de stocks y un modelo de sustitución mediante evaluación multicriterio en los diferentes sectores de consumo de energía. Este modelamiento ha sido realizado para el sistema energético peruano. Finalmente, la demanda proyectada fue integrada con la oferta de energía, modela empleando un enfoque contable de simulación; fueron implementadas en el software LEAP y se evaluó la matriz energética en su conjunto. La metodología se aplicó para el estudio de caso del Perú y se determinaron: la evolución del parque de equipos de consumo energético, el nivel de sustitución por fuente y tecnología; la ocurrencia del efecto desacople entre consumo de energía y PBI y el potencial de mitigación de GEI.
Globally, there are different energy models implemented in different software that serve as the basis for energy planning since the 1970s. However, most of these models and their respective software are focused on the energy systems of developed countries; Therefore, they must be evaluated, complemented and improved, identifying the methodologies that best adapt to the particularities of a developing country such as Peru and at the same time meet the challenges posed by current energy systems such as: the appearance of disruptive technologies, an international context in the fight against climate change and the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals. These points make the exhaustive analysis of the demand the first step in the planning process since it avoids investments in unnecessary infrastructure that have high economic costs in case the forecast demand is much higher than the real one; as well as the probability of an infrastructure deficit also decreases when the forecast demand is much lower than the real one. The objective of this research is to develop an energy planning methodology with a focus on demand and that has an adequate level of disaggregation of national energy consumption that will allow the adequate dimensioning of energy policies. To this end, an end-use model was developed and integrated through stock rotation and a substitution model through multi-criteria evaluation in the different energy consumption sectors. This modeling has been done for the Peruvian energy system. Finally, projected demand was integrated with energy supply, modeled using a simulation accounting approach; were implemented in LEAP software and the energy matrix was evaluated. The methodology was applied to the case study of Peru and the following were determined: the evolution of the energy consumption equipment park, the level of substitution by source and technology; the occurrence of the decoupling effect between energy consumption and GDP and the GHG mitigation potential.
Globally, there are different energy models implemented in different software that serve as the basis for energy planning since the 1970s. However, most of these models and their respective software are focused on the energy systems of developed countries; Therefore, they must be evaluated, complemented and improved, identifying the methodologies that best adapt to the particularities of a developing country such as Peru and at the same time meet the challenges posed by current energy systems such as: the appearance of disruptive technologies, an international context in the fight against climate change and the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals. These points make the exhaustive analysis of the demand the first step in the planning process since it avoids investments in unnecessary infrastructure that have high economic costs in case the forecast demand is much higher than the real one; as well as the probability of an infrastructure deficit also decreases when the forecast demand is much lower than the real one. The objective of this research is to develop an energy planning methodology with a focus on demand and that has an adequate level of disaggregation of national energy consumption that will allow the adequate dimensioning of energy policies. To this end, an end-use model was developed and integrated through stock rotation and a substitution model through multi-criteria evaluation in the different energy consumption sectors. This modeling has been done for the Peruvian energy system. Finally, projected demand was integrated with energy supply, modeled using a simulation accounting approach; were implemented in LEAP software and the energy matrix was evaluated. The methodology was applied to the case study of Peru and the following were determined: the evolution of the energy consumption equipment park, the level of substitution by source and technology; the occurrence of the decoupling effect between energy consumption and GDP and the GHG mitigation potential.
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Discipline: Doctorado en Ciencias con Mención en Energética
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Doctor en Ciencias con Mención en Energética
Juror: Flores Tinoco, Moises Ariste; López Suárez, Lizett Paola; Bravo Macedo, César; Arrieta Freyre, Javier Eduardo
Register date: 9-May-2023
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