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Gutiérrez, J., (2018). Bivariant K-Theory of generalized Weyl algebras [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Gutiérrez, J., Bivariant K-Theory of generalized Weyl algebras [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2018.
title = "Bivariant K-Theory of generalized Weyl algebras",
author = "Gutiérrez Alva, Julio Josué",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2018"
Title: Bivariant K-Theory of generalized Weyl algebras
Authors(s): Gutiérrez Alva, Julio Josué
Advisor(s): Palacios Baldeón, Joe Albino
Keywords: Algebra de Weyl; Mátemática aplicada
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2018
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: La K-teoría bivariante kkalg en la categoría Ica de algebras localmente convexas asigna grupos abelianos kknalg(A, B), n ∈ Z, a cada par de dichas álgebras A y B y existen aplicaciones bilineales
kknalg(A, B) × kkmalg(B;C) kkn+malg(A,C)
para A, B y C álgebras localmente convexas y m, n ∈ Z. Con este producto, podemos definir una categoría KKalg cuyos objetos son álgebras localmente convexas y cuyos morfismos están dados por los grupos graduados kk∗alg(A, B). De este modo, la K-teoría bivariante kkalg se puede ver como un funtor kkalg : lca → KKalg. Este funtor es universal con respecto a funtores split exactos, invariantes por diffotopías y K-estables. En particular, un isomorfismo en KKalg induce un isomorfismo en KKLp y en homología cíclica periódica bivariante HP.
En [10], se determina que los invariantes del ´algebra de Weyl
A1(C) = C⟨x, y|xy − yx = 1⟩
son los mismos que los de C. Esto es, se prueba que A1(C) es isomorfo a C en la categoría KKalg. En este trabajo, generalizamos el resultado a una familia de ´algebras de Weyl generalizadas.
Como resultados del presente trabajo, calculamos la clase de isomorfismo en la categoría KKalg de todas las álgebras de Weyl generalizadas no conmutativas A = C[h](σ, P ), donde σ(h) = qh + ho es un automorfismo de C[h] y P ∈ C[h], excepto cuando q ̸= 1 es una raíz de la unidad.
The bivariant K-theory kkalg in the category lca of locally convex algebras asigns abelian groups kknalg (A, B), n ∈ Z to a pair A, B of such algebras and there are bilinear maps kknalg(A, B) × kkmalg(B;C) kkn+malg(A,C) for every A, B and C locally convex algebras and m, n ∈ Z. Using this product, we can define a category kkalg whose objects are locally convex algebras and whose morphisms are given by the graded groups kk∗alg(A, B). Then the bivariant K-theory kkalg can be seen as a functor kkalg : lca → kkalg. This functor is universal among split exact, diffotopy invariant and K-stable functors. In particular, an isomorphism in kkalg induces an isomorphism in KKLp and in bivariant periodic cyclic homology HP In [10], the invariants of the Weyl algebra A1(C) = C⟨x, y|xy − yx = 1⟩ are determined to be the same as those of C. That is, A1(C) is isomorphic to C in the category kkalg. In the present work, we generalize this result to a family of generalized Weyl algebras. As results, we compute the isomorphism class in the category kkalg of all non-commutative generalized Weyl algebras A = C[h](σ, P ), where σ(h) = qh + ho is an automorphism of C[h] and P ∈ C[h], except when q ̸= 1 is a root of unity.
The bivariant K-theory kkalg in the category lca of locally convex algebras asigns abelian groups kknalg (A, B), n ∈ Z to a pair A, B of such algebras and there are bilinear maps kknalg(A, B) × kkmalg(B;C) kkn+malg(A,C) for every A, B and C locally convex algebras and m, n ∈ Z. Using this product, we can define a category kkalg whose objects are locally convex algebras and whose morphisms are given by the graded groups kk∗alg(A, B). Then the bivariant K-theory kkalg can be seen as a functor kkalg : lca → kkalg. This functor is universal among split exact, diffotopy invariant and K-stable functors. In particular, an isomorphism in kkalg induces an isomorphism in KKLp and in bivariant periodic cyclic homology HP In [10], the invariants of the Weyl algebra A1(C) = C⟨x, y|xy − yx = 1⟩ are determined to be the same as those of C. That is, A1(C) is isomorphic to C in the category kkalg. In the present work, we generalize this result to a family of generalized Weyl algebras. As results, we compute the isomorphism class in the category kkalg of all non-commutative generalized Weyl algebras A = C[h](σ, P ), where σ(h) = qh + ho is an automorphism of C[h] and P ∈ C[h], except when q ̸= 1 is a root of unity.
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Discipline: Doctorado en Ciencias con Mención en Matemática
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ciencias. Unidad de Posgrado
Grade or title: Doctor en Ciencias con Mención en Matemática
Juror: Franco Gonzáles, Elmar Javier; Ochoa Jiménez, Rosendo; Metzger Alván, Roger Javier; Velásquez Castañón, Oswaldo José
Register date: 4-May-2023
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