Bibliographic citations
Gonzáles, J., (2017). Modelamiento del material particulado PM-10 para control de la calidad del aire en la Unidad Minera Iscaycruz [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Gonzáles, J., Modelamiento del material particulado PM-10 para control de la calidad del aire en la Unidad Minera Iscaycruz [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2017.
title = "Modelamiento del material particulado PM-10 para control de la calidad del aire en la Unidad Minera Iscaycruz",
author = "Gonzáles Santos, Julio César",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2017"
Particulate matter is one of the most studied atmospheric pollutants around the world. It is defined as the set of solid or liquid particles (except plain water) which are present in suspension in the atmosphere (Mészáros, 1999), and that originate from a variety of natural or anthropogenic sources and have a wide range of morphological, physical, chemical and thermodynamic properties. The presence of this pollutant in the atmosphere causes a variety of impacts on vegetation, materials and human beings, including a visual decrease in the atmosphere caused by the absorption and diffusion of light (Chen, Ying & Kleeman, 2009). Furthermore, the presence of particulate matter is associated with increased risk of death from cardiopulmonary causes in samples of adults (Pope, 2004). This present research work makes simulations with the PM-10 particulate material modeling for air quality control in mine, for which the AERMOD computational model is applied. Also, I have done measurements of the PM-10 concentration in three (03) sampling stations, which allow to guide strategies of air quality control.
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