Bibliographic citations
Escalante, A., (2022). Inspección de la carga de GLP al buque Mar Pacífico en el terminal marino Pisco Camisea y en la planta de fraccionamiento del LGN de Pisco [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Escalante, A., Inspección de la carga de GLP al buque Mar Pacífico en el terminal marino Pisco Camisea y en la planta de fraccionamiento del LGN de Pisco [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Inspección de la carga de GLP al buque Mar Pacífico en el terminal marino Pisco Camisea y en la planta de fraccionamiento del LGN de Pisco",
author = "Escalante Tito, Angel Augusto",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
The inspection of custody transfers of liquefied petroleum gases to the Mar Pacifico vessel at the Pisco Camisea Maritime Terminal and at the Pisco Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) Fractionation Plant includes sampling, quality control and measurement, activities that must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of articles 287 and 288 of the Fifth Chapter of the Fifth Title of Supreme Decree No. 032-2004-EM; however, the aforementioned legal device is not precise since it refers to a set of procedures and standards recommended by the API, ASTM or any other institute of international prestige. Also, due to its operating characteristics, the transferred load must be determined as accurately as possible. Therefore, this paper describes the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) inspection procedures for the Mar Pacifico vessel at the Pisco Camisea Marine Terminal and at the Pisco LGN Fractionation Plant, to determine the bill of lading, the amount transferred at the plant, and load variation; and a methodology is proposed to estimate the density of the liquid phase employing the ASTM D2598 standard, and of the vapor phase using the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equation of state, which allows improving the quantification of the quantities shipped or transferred. Finally, for practical purposes, the inspection procedures were carried out on the MAR-123 trip, and the bill of lading, the quantity transferred in the plant, and the variation of the load were determined; and it was determined that the improvement in the quantification of the quantities shipped or transferred means a savings of $ 2,146.00 for the consignee. Likewise, estimating that the ship makes an average of 36 trips in a year, this saving would represent $ 25,752.00.
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