Bibliographic citations
Quintana, S., (2022). Análisis de costos de infraestructura de la banda ancha de fibra óptica en telecomunicaciones del Perú [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Quintana, S., Análisis de costos de infraestructura de la banda ancha de fibra óptica en telecomunicaciones del Perú [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Análisis de costos de infraestructura de la banda ancha de fibra óptica en telecomunicaciones del Perú",
author = "Quintana López, Sandra Liliana",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
This research is about the analysis of economic proposals given by different companies that are engaged in building telecommunications infrastructure of the Fiber Optics Broadband in Peru. For that purpose, this research contains six chapters in which 3 companies are mentioned, and they are referred to as Company A, Company B and Company C. In this research, infrastructures are defined as civil, electrical and metal carpentry specialization works. We also define Nodes as the point of intersection, connection or union of various elements which converge in the same place. These have a geographical location, and they are named based on the region to which they belong. For instance, Node of Arequipa. A set of them results in the Network of the Fiber Optics Broadband in Peru. The research design of this study is non-experimental, with a qualitative approach and a non-probabilistic method with descriptive statistics. Data is presented through tables, graphics, plans, among others included in this Thesis and its Annexes as well. In the first chapter, the approach to the challenging reality is mainly addressed with its justification for the research, objectives, research background and methodological framework which are essential aspects to carry out the research. The second chapter presents the theoretical and conceptual framework of the research. The third chapter presents the general description of the telecommunications broadband network infrastructures involved in the Transport Network and Access Network. The fourth chapter describes the cost structures of each Company studied, initially made up of unit items, and how they change over time due to the different difficulties in cost control. In the fifth chapter, it is possible to see the costs of each built infrastructure and locate to which company it belongs in order to make a comparison and a careful examination. In the sixth chapter, development statistics can be made and compared with the final settlements, taking into account all the information described with the imputed costs. It is proposed to do a typology of costs for subcontractors which helps us to optimize control times and costs. The scope of this study is useful for the actual contract management with the Companies that followed a structured methodology. It also proposes a budget structure for the contractor following the same methodology. It allows for observation and location of the additional and execution items in less time. The amounts we studied, their collection and analysis are also helpful for future participation and execution contests, investing less time in analysis for accepting construction prices, reading contract and not exceeding budget amounts.
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