Bibliographic citations
Zárate, Á., (2022). Concepción de una estrategia de control tipo Grid-Forming para un convertidor DC-AC monofásico aplicado a sistemas de carga DC de vehículos eléctricos [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Zárate, Á., Concepción de una estrategia de control tipo Grid-Forming para un convertidor DC-AC monofásico aplicado a sistemas de carga DC de vehículos eléctricos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Concepción de una estrategia de control tipo Grid-Forming para un convertidor DC-AC monofásico aplicado a sistemas de carga DC de vehículos eléctricos",
author = "Zárate Suarez, Álvaro Arturo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
Frequency stability in power grids that interconnect most of their energy resources through inverters is adversely affected due to the loss of inertia that an electronic connection implies. The growth of electromobility makes available distributed energy storage units (ESUs) that can be used for frequency support in weak networks, using single-phase converters that ensure good care of vehicle batteries. In this thesis it is proposed to implement a control strategy to emulate the inertial transient dynamics of a synchronous machine in the control of a voltage source inverter (VSI) that interconnects the DC bus with the grid. While in the DC-DC stage, and not in the DC-AC as usual, the average DC bus voltage control is implemented, and also an active power decoupling algorithm that allows to reduce the ripple in the current of the ESU; linking the power requirements of the two stages. The proposed control of the two-stage converter allows the release of inertial energy from the ESU in case of frequency events, which occur when the balance of energy generation and demand is disrupted. It also allows the replacement of electrolytic DC link capacitors with smaller film capacitors with better electrical characteristics. It enables high DC gain in a single stage, galvanic isolation of the ESU and allows decoupling of the low frequency ripple in the ESU current by means of the control; each of these features make the presented control strategy well suited for electric vehicle DC charging station converters.
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