Bibliographic citations
Tito, O., (2022). Reconfiguración de la topología de la red de suministro para satisfacer la demanda de energía de la ampliación de la concentradora Toquepala [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Tito, O., Reconfiguración de la topología de la red de suministro para satisfacer la demanda de energía de la ampliación de la concentradora Toquepala [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Reconfiguración de la topología de la red de suministro para satisfacer la demanda de energía de la ampliación de la concentradora Toquepala",
author = "Tito Challapa, Oscar",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
The present work shows how by using the independence criterion by reconfiguring the supply network of the Toquepala Concentrator Expansion, load rejection due to overload on the L-1388 Toquepala REP - Millsite line can be avoided, this reconfiguration is achieved through the construction of a transmission line between Plaza and Totoral substations and taking the transmission lines L-1389 Millsite-Totoral and L-1395 Millsite-Plaza out of service, so that the energy supplied to the Expansion of the Concentrator comes from SE Ilo3 only, avoiding load rejection avoids paralysis of mining metallurgical processes that would result in the concentrator plant decreasing its productivity, ultimately bringing with it an economic loss. This solution begins with the evaluation of the technical and economic feasibility, then comes the pre-operability and operability studies, construction of the line, preliminary tests and commissioning, finally the independence of the supply network of the Expansion of the Toquepala concentrator is verified, obtaining an independent network that works at full load.
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