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Riveros, J., (2021). Yacimiento de epsomitas Nicanor Sebastían exploración y desarrollo - Ocucaje - Ica [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Riveros, J., Yacimiento de epsomitas Nicanor Sebastían exploración y desarrollo - Ocucaje - Ica [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Yacimiento de epsomitas Nicanor Sebastían exploración y desarrollo - Ocucaje - Ica",
author = "Riveros Yauri, José",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
Title: Yacimiento de epsomitas Nicanor Sebastían exploración y desarrollo - Ocucaje - Ica
Authors(s): Riveros Yauri, José
Advisor(s): Revollé Álvarez, Nora Nelly
Keywords: Concesiones mineras; Minerales no metálicos; Epsomitas
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: Las concesiones mineras Nicanor Sebastián IV y Nicanor Sebastián V, contienen minerales no metálicos de epsomita, se ubican en Ocucaje - Ica, zona eriaza y desértica con lluvias muy escasas, que permite que la epsomita se concentre para explotarla. Los vientos suaves a moderados evitan que el suelo se erosione rápidamente, o que las arenas transportadas por el viento cubran las zonas mineralizadas con dunas de gran tamaño, que harían la extracción complicada y poco rentable.
La génesis de la epsomita de la zona de estudio, está relacionada a la evaporación del agua de mar y su precipitación en secuencia sedimentaria con prevalecencia en rocas diatomiticas. Por tanto, su génesis es de tipo químico sedimentario de costa.
En el yacimiento Nicanor, algunos mineros artesanales realizaron durante varios años, calicatas y trincheras, con resultados poco interesantes. Para tener una mejor posibilidad de encontrar yacimientos favorables de epsomita, se empleó el muestreo sistemático en las áreas donde el mineral afloraba, luego se realizó un muestreo con mayor detalle en las zonas más pequeñas de mejor mineralización.
Antes de iniciar la extracción, se realizó un estudio geomecánico que permitió conocer el nivel de fracturamiento y estabilidad de la diatomita, aunque las zonas de trabajo están principalmente en lugares planos con una posibilidad casi nula de ocurrir deslizamientos, es importante conocer el nivel de fracturamiento de la roca ya que permitirá saber si estas fracturas presentan el ancho necesario para ser rellenados con epsomita que fluye y se recristaliza en estas fracturas, pudiéndose así mejorar la calidad del yacimiento.
Con los resultados que se obtuvieron en los análisis químicos de los muestreos realizados, se efectuó el cálculo de las reservas para cada área estudiada, mediante la triangulación de los puntos donde se realizó el muestreo, y con ayuda de programas como Minesight y los datos tanto del muestreo y la potencia de las zonas mineralizadas se estimó las reservas en cada área mineralizada. Una vez calculadas las reservas, se delimitaron las zonas de trabajo, y se definió el método de explotación con el cual se realizará la extracción del mineral, así como los sistemas de trabajos complementarios como botaderos, calicatas y trincheras, así también de carguío y transporte del mineral a planta y fundamentalmente la organización de los trabajadores relacionados con la operación.
Para cuando esté concluida la explotación y vida útil de la mina, se plantea un plan de cierre adecuado, que cumpla con las normas legales, técnicas y ambientales establecidas por la autoridad competente. El objetivo final al cierre de mina es dejar en lo posible terrenos de morfología similar a las encontradas antes de la operación, para lo cual la empresa estimo las inversiones necesarias para el cierre de mina.
Esta experiencia busca conocer la naturaleza de la formación de un yacimiento de epsomita para contribuir con nuevos alcances en la identificación de yacimientos similares en otras zonas del país.
Mining concessions Nicanor Sebastian IV & V, are non Mineral Deposits of Epsomite located in Ocucaje, Ica, an arid and desert place which weather was beneficial and profitable for the epsomite preservation and exploitation otherwise, an humid and windy weather would erode or cover the deposit and make it non-economic. The recognition of the epsomite was not a big deal; since epsomite and diatomite have a structural relation, being the diatomite easily to recognize in field. Which characteristics and the accessibility will be economically analyzed for exploration and exploitation. The deposit is evaporitic whose origin is related to deep and shallow marine environment with continental transitions, which formation takes million years, having the diatomite as the predominant rock and container of the epsomite. In order to locate and get a reasonable comprehension of the deposit, Sampling is a good method, which was applied a prior by artisanal and informal miners but in incorrectly way that led them to get bad results. For this reason, we decided to apply a systematic sampling on each economic area at first sight. In case we found a profitable zone, we proceed to carry out a systematic sampling in more detail to quantify the resources. Epsomite has a structural control related to fractures. Therefore, a geomechanical study must be applied in order to know the fracture distribution since epsomite is deposited within them. Besides, this study allows us to make a decision whether or not the width of the fractures contains economical amount of epsomite. After systematic sampling, some of them were sent to laboratory for chemical analysis. These results and the field data such as thickness, topography, lithology, etc were integrated to build maps, and to estimate the reserves using Minesight software for every area. Then, we choose the more profitable area to decide the exploitation method to be applied; the location of trenches, pits and tailings to be constructed; the charge and transportation route to be traced as well as the amount of workers to be required. A mining closure plan must be developed once useful life has been reached, this plan ought to fulfill with legal, technical and environmental requirements before authority, whose objective is to guarantee that our labors does not leave a big environmental impact. To conclude, the present thesis aims to understand the nature of this kind of evaporitic deposits as well as to give a new scope in the identification of new targets all over the country.
Mining concessions Nicanor Sebastian IV & V, are non Mineral Deposits of Epsomite located in Ocucaje, Ica, an arid and desert place which weather was beneficial and profitable for the epsomite preservation and exploitation otherwise, an humid and windy weather would erode or cover the deposit and make it non-economic. The recognition of the epsomite was not a big deal; since epsomite and diatomite have a structural relation, being the diatomite easily to recognize in field. Which characteristics and the accessibility will be economically analyzed for exploration and exploitation. The deposit is evaporitic whose origin is related to deep and shallow marine environment with continental transitions, which formation takes million years, having the diatomite as the predominant rock and container of the epsomite. In order to locate and get a reasonable comprehension of the deposit, Sampling is a good method, which was applied a prior by artisanal and informal miners but in incorrectly way that led them to get bad results. For this reason, we decided to apply a systematic sampling on each economic area at first sight. In case we found a profitable zone, we proceed to carry out a systematic sampling in more detail to quantify the resources. Epsomite has a structural control related to fractures. Therefore, a geomechanical study must be applied in order to know the fracture distribution since epsomite is deposited within them. Besides, this study allows us to make a decision whether or not the width of the fractures contains economical amount of epsomite. After systematic sampling, some of them were sent to laboratory for chemical analysis. These results and the field data such as thickness, topography, lithology, etc were integrated to build maps, and to estimate the reserves using Minesight software for every area. Then, we choose the more profitable area to decide the exploitation method to be applied; the location of trenches, pits and tailings to be constructed; the charge and transportation route to be traced as well as the amount of workers to be required. A mining closure plan must be developed once useful life has been reached, this plan ought to fulfill with legal, technical and environmental requirements before authority, whose objective is to guarantee that our labors does not leave a big environmental impact. To conclude, the present thesis aims to understand the nature of this kind of evaporitic deposits as well as to give a new scope in the identification of new targets all over the country.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Geológica
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera y Metalúrgica
Grade or title: Ingeniero Geólogo
Juror: Landauro Abanto, Alberto; Huamán Guerrero, Alfonso Edmundo
Register date: 21-Jul-2022
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