Bibliographic citations
Rojas, D., (2021). Diseño de un modelo de aseguramiento de la calidad para programas de ingeniería, basado en los criterios ABET y la norma ISO 21001:2018 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Rojas, D., Diseño de un modelo de aseguramiento de la calidad para programas de ingeniería, basado en los criterios ABET y la norma ISO 21001:2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2021.
title = "Diseño de un modelo de aseguramiento de la calidad para programas de ingeniería, basado en los criterios ABET y la norma ISO 21001:2018",
author = "Rojas Mendoza, Doris Fanny",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2021"
The present research is a contribution to the increased necessity to give a sustained support to the quality assurance programs of the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) after a successful accreditation process by ABET of its 22 pre-graduated engineering programs. One of the main goals of the university is the improvement in the quality of the education and the fostering of academic excellence. With the procurement of the international accreditation the quality level attaint by the university is disclosed but it is also a requirement to guarantee its sustainability. Therefore, a quality assurance model is proposed; this model is based on ISO 21001:2018 including a management of the academic processes where ABET general and specific criteria are considered and the systematization of the auto evaluation report. A model including these 3 criteria will be integrated to the institutional strategic plan of the university. This research work proposes and architecture for the academic processes of the university, a systematic scheme of the auto evaluation report, and recommendations to reduce the gap between the management ISO 21001-2018 system and the quality assurance model for the pre-graduated programs of engineering. As a source of information and validation of this model, qualitative techniques were used focused on the phenomenology, data theory and interviews. The interviews were performed to representatives of the quality offices of 15 Peruvian universities that already have accredited pre-graduated engineering programs at the international level. A survey and group techniques were also used including ABET and ISO 21001 experts in academic processes at the university.
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