Bibliographic citations
Ramos, N., (2020). Análisis energético de una cuenca hidrológica para el aprovechamiento del recurso hídrico en el diseño de una mini central hidroeléctrica [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Ramos, N., Análisis energético de una cuenca hidrológica para el aprovechamiento del recurso hídrico en el diseño de una mini central hidroeléctrica [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2020.
title = "Análisis energético de una cuenca hidrológica para el aprovechamiento del recurso hídrico en el diseño de una mini central hidroeléctrica",
author = "Ramos Guerra, Nelson Jesús",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2020"
This Professional Sufficiency Research studies the alternative of analyzing two hydrological basins (Llaylla and Chalhuamayo), for the use of the water resource in the generation of electrical energy, whose objective is to determine the energy potential of each basin, which in turn influences in the design of small hydroelectric plants, which is located in the district of the same name, province of Satipo, department of Junín. Likewise, research according to epistemological characteristics is quantitative in nature, since, from a hypothetical model, its variables are fully measurable, which are obtained from the processes developed in this thesis, for the variable The method of collecting historical data from meteorological stations is used, with a perception of Objective reality and with deductive reasoning. Initially, the research describes the situation of energy demand in Peru with sources obtained from the Committee of Economic Operation of the National Interconnected System (COES), when analyzing the trend of energy demand in the last 5 years in Peru, it is appreciated that the generation of energy with different types of resources is less than the Maximum Energy Demand required. For this problem, it is proposed to analyze the hydrological basins and determine the energy potential of these basins in the generation of electrical energy through small hydroelectric plants, said energy being connected to the National Interconnected System (SEIN), expands energy production and helps meet the maximum demand. Likewise, for the development of the research, information has been compiled from the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru (SENAHI), National Water Authority (ANA), geographic institute of Peru which are: topographic survey, historical record of flows media, historical record of maximum rainfall, terrain geology and conditions of the work area. To determine the hydrological study of the mentioned streams, the estimate of the maximum discharges is considered from the report of maximum rainfall in 24 hours registered in the stations near the place, for return periods of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 years through frequency analysis. Finally, to determine the energy potential, an inspection of the Topography and the geological field study is necessary for the location of the structures, and determine the optimal net jump, for this study a net jump of 90m is considered, an efficiency of the transformer of 0.89 and the efficiency of the generator of 0.95.
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