Bibliographic citations
Aguilar, D., (2019). Dimensionamiento y construcción de una caldera vertical mixta (piro-acuotubular) multi propósito de tres pasos para optimizar el nivel de eficiencia térmica con combustibles alternativos [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Aguilar, D., Dimensionamiento y construcción de una caldera vertical mixta (piro-acuotubular) multi propósito de tres pasos para optimizar el nivel de eficiencia térmica con combustibles alternativos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2019.
title = "Dimensionamiento y construcción de una caldera vertical mixta (piro-acuotubular) multi propósito de tres pasos para optimizar el nivel de eficiencia térmica con combustibles alternativos",
author = "Aguilar Vizcarra, Duilio Leoncio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2019"
This research is related to the objective of improving the thermal efficiency, after making the dimensioning and construction of a 3-pass multipurpose mixed vertical boiler (fire-water tube boiler), it employs alternative fuels, and this approach seeks to achieve an alternative technology to the problems of heat generation in the small and medium industry. The options or types of boiler and technical engineering fundamentals are analyzed theoretically to calculate the transfer area from two points of view: a.- The calculation method that allows to get the dimensions of the boiler, for which it will be considered a first theory whose foundation is based on calculating losses and the fluid velocity with two defined procedures the first for fire-tube boilers and the second for watertube boilers. b.- A second alternative proposes using what is established in the ASME Code that considers a value of transfer area per boiler power, this value has been improving over the years as the materials science advances. A new type of design and construction of a vertical boiler is established, we call it mixed mixture of fire-tube and water-tube for a given power, as a technological innovation; this allows to obtain comparative advantages over other types of boilers, making better use of combustion heat through a greater path across heat transfer surface that is covered by the combustion exhaust gases that used as fuel Diesel, LPG and Natural Gas ; likewise it transfers this heat to a eat-receiver fluid to obtain hot water, steam or thermal oil using the same equipment, with a greater value of thermal efficiency. After carrying out the thermal balance, the following can be established: values of thermal efficiencies, the level of waste heat, specific consumption, maintenance costs and construction costs, this will constitute an investment. The results satisfy the general and specific objectives, which show that this innovation contributes to improve the technology of the industry in our country.
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