Bibliographic citations
Pacheco, M., (1999). Aplicación de la mecánica de rocas a las operaciones mineras unitarias de perforación y voladura en minería a tajo abierto [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Pacheco, M., Aplicación de la mecánica de rocas a las operaciones mineras unitarias de perforación y voladura en minería a tajo abierto [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 1999.
title = "Aplicación de la mecánica de rocas a las operaciones mineras unitarias de perforación y voladura en minería a tajo abierto",
author = "Pacheco Ortiz, Mariano",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "1999"
Taking into account that the results of the drilling and rock blasting mining operations have a direct influence on the production and productivity of any mining operation and therefore, in the production costs, the following research work has tried to show the importante that should be givcn to these mining. To achieve the above rnentioned goals, the applicalion of the physical-mechanical values of the rocks delermined in a laboratory and following thc methods proposed by de rock mechantes science is developed. Also. the method of using the physicaJ-mechanical values of the rocks determined in a lab it shown in the fomulae to calculale the penetration rate in the rotary drilling as well as in the formula proposed by PEARSE to calculate theburden (B), Finally, a technical-economical ecological evaluaron of the results is carried-out the discussion; and the use of this new technology in the national raining is strongly recommended.
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