Bibliographic citations
Toribio, M., Valdivia, E. (2021). Características del tratamiento Sindrómico de flujo vaginal en etapa de fertilidad femenina en un establecimiento de salud de la selva central [Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt].
Toribio, M., Valdivia, E. Características del tratamiento Sindrómico de flujo vaginal en etapa de fertilidad femenina en un establecimiento de salud de la selva central []. PE: Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt; 2021.
title = "Características del tratamiento Sindrómico de flujo vaginal en etapa de fertilidad femenina en un establecimiento de salud de la selva central",
author = "Valdivia Huaman, Elizabeth Lourdes",
publisher = "Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt",
year = "2021"
The study on characteristics of syndromic treatment of vaginal discharge in female fertility stage in a health facility in the central jungle, being the methodology, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional, a sample of 260 medical records. Results, 54 patients with vaginal discharge are between 40 to 44 years old, 71 patients with complete secondary school, 113 patients are cohabitants, 134 patients did not receive care for the first time, 226 patients do not use prophylactics, 142 patients had Candida Albicans and 160 patients were treated with metronidazole of 2gr + clotrimazole of 500 mg in ovule who paid s/ 8.40 for the prescribed treatment. It was concluded that patients with vaginal discharge in the female fertility stage are unaware of the gynecological causes, which is a public health problem in several countries of the world
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