Bibliographic citations
Aragón, X., Salvatierra, A. (2022). Conocimiento sobre métodos anticonceptivos y conductas de salud sexual en mujeres atendidas en el Puesto de Salud de Primavera – Huaura, 2022 [Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt].
Aragón, X., Salvatierra, A. Conocimiento sobre métodos anticonceptivos y conductas de salud sexual en mujeres atendidas en el Puesto de Salud de Primavera – Huaura, 2022 []. PE: Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt; 2022.
title = "Conocimiento sobre métodos anticonceptivos y conductas de salud sexual en mujeres atendidas en el Puesto de Salud de Primavera – Huaura, 2022",
author = "Salvatierra Chira, Angélica del Pilar",
publisher = "Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt",
year = "2022"
Our research is basic, correlational, non-experimental and quantitative. The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between knowledge about contraceptive methods and sexual health behaviors in women attended at the Health Post Spring - 2022, with a sample of 98 women, where the data collection instrument was a questionnaire validated by expert judges. Results; there were 36.7% (36) of women evaluated with low knowledge about contraceptives. Of the total 66.7% (24) showed unhealthy sexual behaviors and 33.3% (12) exercised in a healthy way and 27.6% (27) presented high knowledge about the methods of which 25.9% (7) have unhealthy behaviors and 74.1% (20) have healthy sexual behaviors. Therefore, it was concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge about contraceptive methods and sexual health behaviors in women attended at the Primavera 2022 Health Post
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