Quispe, C., (2017). ?Conservaci?n de calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas Orbigny 1835) por tratamiento combinado de nisina y ?cido l?ctico a 6?C [Tesis, Universidad Ricardo Palma - URP]. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14138/1137https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14138/1137
Quispe, C., ?Conservaci?n de calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas Orbigny 1835) por tratamiento combinado de nisina y ?cido l?ctico a 6?C [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Ricardo Palma - URP; 2017. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14138/1137https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14138/1137
@misc{renati/658279, title = "?Conservaci?n de calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas Orbigny 1835) por tratamiento combinado de nisina y ?cido l?ctico a 6?C", author = "Quispe Huancaya, Carolina Margarita", publisher = "Universidad Ricardo Palma - URP", year = "2017" }
La conservaci?n del Calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas, Orbigny 1835) por tratamiento combinado de nisina y ?cido l?ctico a 6?C, se bas? en tres etapas fundamentalmente: Etapa I: Preparaci?n del material hidrobiol?gico, medios de cultivo (agar Mac Conkey, Plate Count y Bair Parker), tratamientos individuales y combinados al 0.2, 0.5, 0.8% de nisina y ?cido l?ctico y control. EtapaII: Observaci?n, cuantificaci?n de la inhibici?n bacteriana de Staphylococcus aureus, coliformes totales y aerobios mes?filos totales en Dosidicus gigas, Orbigny 1835 (Calamar gigante) cada 24 horas transcurrida la incubaci?n (0, 24, 48 y 72 Horas) y medici?n del pH. Etapa III: Procesamiento de los resultados usando el software estad?stico SPSS versi?n 24 para el experimento bifactorial 4x4. Para lo cual, se utiliz? el manto de un solo individuo obtenido del terminal pesquero de Villa Mar?a del Triunfo. Dicho estudio se desarroll? en un lapso de 5 meses (Julio - Noviembre del 2016),en las instalaciones de los laboratorios de microbiolog?a de la Facultad de Ciencias Biol?gicas, Universidad Ricardo Palma Lima ? Per?. Se tom? como variables dependientes al recuento de Staphylococcus aureus, recuento de coliformes totales, recuento de aerobios mes?filos totales y como variables independientes a la concentraci?n de nisina, ?cido l?ctico, nisina m?s ?cido l?ctico, tiempo y pH. Se obtuvo como resultados que el tratamiento combinado de nisina m?s ?cido l?ctico a concentraci?n de 0.8% y evaluaci?n a 72 horas, fue aquel con mayor eficacia resultando para el recuento de aerobios mes?filos totales 202x104 (UFC/ml) (Gr?fico N? 6.) y para Coliformes Totales 228x104 (UFC/ml) (Gr?fico N?12.) a diferencia de su respectivo control que present? 1968x104 UFC/ml para el recuento de aerobios mes?filos totales y 1716x104 UFC/ml para el recuento de coliformes totales.
De los cuales se concluye que hubo mayor actividad antimicrobiana cuando se someti? a tratamiento combinado de nisina m?s ?cido l?ctico a diferencia de los tratamientos individuales de nisina o ?cido l?ctico, lo cual resulta una barrera efectiva para conservaci?n de Dosidicus gigas, Orbigny 1835 (Calamar gigante) como alimento seguro e inocuo en la calidad alimentaria.
The conservation of giant squid (Dosidicus gigas, Orbigny 1835) by combined treatment of nisin and lactic acid at 6?C, was based on three stages: Stage I: Preparation of hydrobiological material, culture media (Mac Conkey agar, Plate Count and Bair Parker), single and combined treatments at 0.2, 0.5, 0.8% nisin and lactic acid and control. Stage II: Observation, quantification of bacterial inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus, total and aerobic total, mesophilic coliforms in Dosidicus gigas, Orbigny 1835 (Giant Squid) every 24 hours after incubation (0, 24, 48 and 72 hours) and pH measurement. Stage III: Processing of results using SPSS software version 24 for bifactorial experiment 4x4. For that, the mantle of a single individual obtained from the fishing terminal of Villa Mar?a del Triunfo was used. This study was carried out over a period of 5 months (July - November 2016) at the facilities of the microbiology laboratories of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, Universidad Ricardo Palma Lima - Peru. Staphylococcus aureus, Total Coliforms count, total mesophilic aerobes counts and as independent variables to the concentration of nisin, lactic acid, nisin plus lactic acid, time and pH were used as dependent variables. It was obtained as results that the combined treatment of nisin plus lactic acid at concentration of 0.8% and evaluation at 72 hours was the one with the highest efficiency resulting in the count of total mesophil aerobes 202x104 CFU / ml (Graphic N? 6) and Total Coliforms 228x104 CFU / ml (Graphic N? 12), in contrast to their respective control, which presented 1968x104 CFU / ml for the count of total mesophilic aerobes and 1716x104 CFU / ml for the total coliform count.
Of these, it is concluded that there was more antimicrobial activity when it was submitted to a combined treatment of nisin plus lactic acid as opposed to the individual treatments of nisin or lactic acid, which is an effective barrier for the conservation of Dosidicus gigas, Orbigny 1835 ) As safe and safe food in food quality. (es_ES)
Submitted by Wong Rafael (rafel_wl@hotmail.com) on 2018-02-15T15:19:46Z
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Previous issue date: 2017 (es_ES)