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Lazo, D., (2022). La funcionalidad de derecho de retención sobre bienes muebles y la seguridad jurídica del adquiriente [Universidad Peruana de Las Américas].
Lazo, D., La funcionalidad de derecho de retención sobre bienes muebles y la seguridad jurídica del adquiriente []. PE: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas; 2022.
title = "La funcionalidad de derecho de retención sobre bienes muebles y la seguridad jurídica del adquiriente",
author = "Lazo Rojas, Dina Julia",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Las Américas",
year = "2022"
Title: La funcionalidad de derecho de retención sobre bienes muebles y la seguridad jurídica del adquiriente
Authors(s): Lazo Rojas, Dina Julia
Advisor(s): Pantigozo Loaiza, Marco Hernán
Keywords: Poseedor; Derecho de Retención; Bienes Muebles; Garantía; Propietario
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 7-Sep-2022
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas
Abstract: El interés de este trabajo es reafirmar las teorías e importancia del Derecho de Retención que garantiza la funcionabilidad de la seguridad jurídica hacia la inversión del acreedor sobre un bien ajeno donde el es el poseesor inmediato, el acto jurídico nos dice que no es necesario que un contrato se de de manera escrita esta puede ser también verbal. Ya que se da el hecho de que mayormente en la actualidad de nuestro país la mayoría de ciudadanos no optan por un contrato notarial cuando arrendamos un bien, Lo que importa es que haya un trato entre ambas partes y la cosa o bien ajeno este registradado a nombre del deudor. ¿Pero que entendemos por esta norma? La Retención viene hacer una norma que garantísa que el deudor se compromete con el acreedor atreves de la tenencia de la cosa. esto está normado en “El Art. 1123 del C.C. su función se expresa en si, cuando el deudor de una obligación no cumple, el acreedor puede negarse a devolver los bienes de propiedad del moroso. la retención es una forma de presionar al deudor para que pague la deuda que se obtuvo con este”. “El Art. 1127 nos dice que en el ejercicio judicial y extra judicial del derecho el derecho de retención se ejercita que Extrajudicialmente, rehusando la entrega del bien hasta que se cumpla la obligación por la cual se invoca. Judicialmente, como excepción que se opone a la acción destinada a conseguir la entrega del bien’’. debe haber un bien o cosa ajena del deudor- propietario en posesión del acreedor en este caso la ley debe verificar que exista una relación entre el crédito y el bien para que pueda proceder la retención, antes de involucrarnos mas el el tema debemos recalcar en decir que hay dos convenios que dan derechos parecidos al de esta norma. considero que no existe inconveniente para que derechos similares a la retención surjan por acuerdo de partes. en primer lugar, imaginemos un acuerdo por el cual el acreedor accede a un bien cuyo titular le autoriza a retener (no devolver) mientras no se pague la obligación a su cargo. el trato solo tendría sentido en los casos en que no se cumple el supuesto de la norma de retención (por ejemplo, si se diese el caso que legalmente no se ha autorizado la retención o cuando no hay vinculo o relación entre el crédito y la propiedad), y mientras el trato no llegue a ser una prenda. Claramente el derecho que surja de tal acuerdo solo sería “similar” a la retención (pero no tendría la condición de retención), pues los derechos reales se rigen por lista cerrada y no puede haber más derechos reales que los señalados en el libro v del código civil y otras leyes especiales (artículo 881 del código civil).
Un modelo como referencia para poder entre mejor la retención es por ejemplo cuando hay relación personal o patrimonial que viene hacer una obligacion por parte del deudor hacia el acreedor, en la retención civil: el apremio legítimo contra el deudor mejorada entre el deudor y el tercero, que hace que el primero se sienta en la obligación de conseguir la restitución del bien a favor del segundo. aunque las formas de “retención” convencional que he referido no son derechos reales, es claro que nacen válidamente y se hacen oponibles por la inscripción en el registro de propiedad. hay pactos así que constituyen limitaciones al derecho de propiedad inscribibles en el registro, un derecho inscrito es oponible, aunque no sea un derecho real. ahora sí veamos los elementos de la retención. hay varias figuras de teorías en su origen tienen características similares esto se debe a que existe ratio juris identifica un punto de origen por justicia y legitima de su existencia.
The interest of this work is to reaffirm the theories and importance of the Right of Retention that guarantees the functionality of the legal security towards the investment of the creditor on another's property where he is the immediate possessor, the legal act tells us that it is not necessary that a contract is in writing this can also be verbal. Since the fact is that nowadays in our country most citizens do not opt for a notarial contract when we lease a property, what matters is that there is a deal between both parties and the thing or other person is registered to debtor's name. But what do we mean by this rule? The Retention comes to make a rule that guarantees that the debtor agrees with the creditor through the possession of the thing. this is regulated in “Art. 1123 of the C.C. its function is expressed in whether, when the debtor of an obligation does not comply, the creditor may refuse to return the assets owned by the defaulter. retention is a way of pressuring the debtor to pay the debt that was obtained with him”. “The art. 1127 tells us that in the judicial and extrajudicial exercise of the right, the right of retention is exercised extrajudicially, refusing the delivery of the property until the obligation for which it is invoked is fulfilled. Judicially, as an exception that opposes the action aimed at obtaining the delivery of the property. There must be an asset or thing belonging to the debtor-owner in possession of the creditor. In this case, the law must verify that there is a relationship between the credit and the asset so that the retention can proceed. Before getting more involved in the issue, we must emphasize that There are two agreements that give similar rights to this standard. I consider that there is no problem for rights similar to retention to arise by agreement of the parties. First of all, let us imagine an agreement whereby the creditor accesses an asset whose owner authorizes him to retain (not return) until the obligation is paid. the treatment would only make sense in cases in which the assumption of the withholding rule is not met (for example, if it were the case that the withholding has not been legally authorized or when there is no link or relationship between the credit and the property), and as long as the deal does not become a pledge. Clearly, the right that arises from such an agreement would only be “similar“ to the withholding (but would not have the condition of withholding), since real rights are governed by a closed list and there can be no more real rights than those indicated in book v of civil code and other special laws (article 881 of the civil code). A model as a reference to be able to better understand the withholding is, for example, when there is a personal or patrimonial relationship that comes from making an obligation on the part of the debtor towards the creditor, in the civil retention: the legitimate pressure against the debtor improved between the debtor and the third party. , which makes the former feel obliged to obtain the restitution of the property in favor of the latter. Although the forms of conventional “withholding” that I have referred to are not real rights, it is clear that they are validly created and are enforceable by registration in the property registry. there are agreements that constitute limitations to the property right that can be registered in the registry, a registered right is opposable, even if it is not a real right. Now let's see the elements of retention. there are several figures of theories in their origin have similar characteristics this is because ratio juris exists identifies a point of origin for justice and legitimacy of its existence.
The interest of this work is to reaffirm the theories and importance of the Right of Retention that guarantees the functionality of the legal security towards the investment of the creditor on another's property where he is the immediate possessor, the legal act tells us that it is not necessary that a contract is in writing this can also be verbal. Since the fact is that nowadays in our country most citizens do not opt for a notarial contract when we lease a property, what matters is that there is a deal between both parties and the thing or other person is registered to debtor's name. But what do we mean by this rule? The Retention comes to make a rule that guarantees that the debtor agrees with the creditor through the possession of the thing. this is regulated in “Art. 1123 of the C.C. its function is expressed in whether, when the debtor of an obligation does not comply, the creditor may refuse to return the assets owned by the defaulter. retention is a way of pressuring the debtor to pay the debt that was obtained with him”. “The art. 1127 tells us that in the judicial and extrajudicial exercise of the right, the right of retention is exercised extrajudicially, refusing the delivery of the property until the obligation for which it is invoked is fulfilled. Judicially, as an exception that opposes the action aimed at obtaining the delivery of the property. There must be an asset or thing belonging to the debtor-owner in possession of the creditor. In this case, the law must verify that there is a relationship between the credit and the asset so that the retention can proceed. Before getting more involved in the issue, we must emphasize that There are two agreements that give similar rights to this standard. I consider that there is no problem for rights similar to retention to arise by agreement of the parties. First of all, let us imagine an agreement whereby the creditor accesses an asset whose owner authorizes him to retain (not return) until the obligation is paid. the treatment would only make sense in cases in which the assumption of the withholding rule is not met (for example, if it were the case that the withholding has not been legally authorized or when there is no link or relationship between the credit and the property), and as long as the deal does not become a pledge. Clearly, the right that arises from such an agreement would only be “similar“ to the withholding (but would not have the condition of withholding), since real rights are governed by a closed list and there can be no more real rights than those indicated in book v of civil code and other special laws (article 881 of the civil code). A model as a reference to be able to better understand the withholding is, for example, when there is a personal or patrimonial relationship that comes from making an obligation on the part of the debtor towards the creditor, in the civil retention: the legitimate pressure against the debtor improved between the debtor and the third party. , which makes the former feel obliged to obtain the restitution of the property in favor of the latter. Although the forms of conventional “withholding” that I have referred to are not real rights, it is clear that they are validly created and are enforceable by registration in the property registry. there are agreements that constitute limitations to the property right that can be registered in the registry, a registered right is opposable, even if it is not a real right. Now let's see the elements of retention. there are several figures of theories in their origin have similar characteristics this is because ratio juris exists identifies a point of origin for justice and legitimacy of its existence.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Las Américas. Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Serna Santos, Yacky; Borcic Santos, Andres José; Quispe Diaz, Gilber Carlos
Register date: 7-Sep-2022; 7-Sep-2022
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