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Melendres, D., (2024). Cuentos que cuentan para potenciar el desarrollo de nociones básicas matemáticas [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Melendres, D., Cuentos que cuentan para potenciar el desarrollo de nociones básicas matemáticas []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Cuentos que cuentan para potenciar el desarrollo de nociones básicas matemáticas",
author = "Melendres Velasco, Danny Esther",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
Title: Cuentos que cuentan para potenciar el desarrollo de nociones básicas matemáticas
Authors(s): Melendres Velasco, Danny Esther
Advisor(s): Carbajal Cornejo, Katherine
Keywords: Desarrollo de habilidades matemáticas; Educación preescolar; Programas educativos; Math skills development; Preschool education; Educational programs
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Abstract: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo diseñar el programa cuentos que cuentan para potenciar el desarrollo de las nociones básicas matemáticas en niños de cinco años, el tipo de investigación es descriptiva, propositiva, no experimental. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica de observación con fin de conocer el estado actual del desarrollo de las nociones básicas matemáticas en niños de cinco años, la población está conformada por treinta y tres alumnos de cinco años, quienes fueron seleccionados por método no probabilístico, por conveniencia. Los resultados de la investigación revelaron que las nociones básicas están en un nivel de logro de proceso presentándose mayores necesidades atender en las nociones de conteo, comparación y correspondencia, estas necesidades traen consigo dificultades en los procesos de adquisición del número. Se caracterizó el programa cuentos que cuentan bajo un enfoque comunicativo y de resolución de problemas los cuales pueden ser representados de manera vivencial resaltando el uso del texto con material concreto y grafico para facilitar la mayor comprensión.
El The objective of this research was to design the story-telling program to enhance the development of basic mathematical notions in five-year-old children. The type of research is descriptive, propositional, non-experimental. For data collection, an observation sheet was used in order to know the current state of development of basic mathematical notions in five-year-old children. The population is made up of thirty-three five-year-old students, who were selected by non-target method. probabilistic, for convenience. The results of the research revealed that the basic notions are at a level of process achievement, presenting greater needs to address the notions of counting, comparison and correspondence, these needs bring with them difficulties in the number acquisition processes. The program was characterized by stories that are told under a communicative and problem-solving approach, which can be represented in an experiential way, highlighting the use of text and concrete and graphic material to facilitate greater understanding.
El The objective of this research was to design the story-telling program to enhance the development of basic mathematical notions in five-year-old children. The type of research is descriptive, propositional, non-experimental. For data collection, an observation sheet was used in order to know the current state of development of basic mathematical notions in five-year-old children. The population is made up of thirty-three five-year-old students, who were selected by non-target method. probabilistic, for convenience. The results of the research revealed that the basic notions are at a level of process achievement, presenting greater needs to address the notions of counting, comparison and correspondence, these needs bring with them difficulties in the number acquisition processes. The program was characterized by stories that are told under a communicative and problem-solving approach, which can be represented in an experiential way, highlighting the use of text and concrete and graphic material to facilitate greater understanding.
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Discipline: Educación Inicial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Facultad de Humanidades
Grade or title: Licenciado en Educación Inicial
Juror: Hende Santolaya, Maria del Rocio; Pisfil Becerra, Maria Del Carmen; Carbajal Cornejo, Katherine
Register date: 7-Aug-2024
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