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Título: Aplicación del Método Control Banding para reducir el riesgo por exposición de los trabajadores a agentes químicos peligrosos en una empresa de pinturas en Lima
Asesor(es): Rojas Ciudad, Carlos Alberto
Campo OCDE: http://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.11.04
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Institución: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Resumen: El objertivo principal de la presente investigación es aplicar el método simplificado Control Banding en una empresa de pinturas en Lima, con el fin de reducir el riesgo a la exposición directa de los trabajadores a Agentes Químicos Peligrosos (AQP), utilizados en la fabricación de pinturas y thinner. El enfoque de la investigación es pre experimental con pre y post test. El método se apoya en el cuestionario la norma española NTP 749 para realizar la evaluación de los riesgos en las diferentes áreas afectadas, como son almacenaje, transporte y producción, los resultados de la aplicacion del cuestionario inicialmente mostraron deficiencias, resultando en el nivel 4 con una puntuación 1440 en el rango de 600 a 4000, encontrándose en el Nivel de Riesgo Deficiente, que requería realizar una corrección urgente. El control banding asigna una letra para caracterizar de acuerdo a su peligrosidad y disponibilidad a los 09 solventes, Acetato de Butilo, Solvesso 100, HAS, Acetato de Metilo, Xileno, Metanol, Metil Etil Cetona, Tolueno y Butil Glicol. Con el apoyo en las hojas de seguridad HDS y utilizando las hojas de control del Programa de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo y Medio Ambiente de la OIT. Los resultados muestran solventes mutagénicos, cancerígenos como son: el Solvesso 100 y el Has, categorizados con la banda de control E por lo que deben ser reemplazados y los demás categorizados dentro de la banda de control C y S, que pueden ser controlados a través de las hojas de control de la OIT correspondiente. Aplicado el método se procedieron a establecer parcialmente las medidas, como la adquisición de una maquina de trasegó con sistema de transferencia cerrada, el almacenamiento de solventes en un lugar ventilado y separado del resto etc. Posteriormente se aplicó nuevamente el cuestionario de la NTP 749 y establecio el Nivel de Riesgo 3 con una puntuación 980 en el rango de 800 a 1200 estos resultados finales nos ubicaron dentro de la tabla en Mejorable y redujeron el nivel de riesgo en 31.94%. El método del Control banding es una herramienta complementaria preliminar que basada en los estudios y conocimiento de la mayoría de agentes químicos peligrosos por organismos internacionales coadyuvan en el control y reducción de los riesgos.

The main objective of this research is to apply the simplified Control Banding method in a paint company in Lima, in order to reduce the risk of direct exposure of workers to Hazardous Chemical Agents (AQP), used in the manufacture of paints and thinner. The research approach is pre-experimental with pre- and post-test. The method is based on the questionnaire of the Spanish standard NTP 749 to carry out the evaluation of the risks in the different affected areas, such as storage, transportation and production. The results of the application of the questionnaire initially showed deficiencies, resulting in level 4 with a score of 1440 in the range of 600 to 4000, being in the Poor Risk Level, which required urgent correction. The banding control assigns a letter to characterize according to its danger and availability to the 09 solvents, Butyl Acetate, Solvesso 100, HAS, Methyl Acetate, Xylene, Methanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Toluene and Butyl Glycol. With the support of the HDS safety sheets and using the control sheets of the Occupational Safety and Health and Environment Program of the ILO. The results show mutagenic, carcinogenic solvents such as: Solvesso 100 and Has, categorized with the control band E so they must be replaced and the others categorized within the control band C and S, which can be controlled through of the corresponding ILO control sheets. Once the method was applied, the measures were partially established, such as the acquisition of a decanting machine with a closed transfer system, the storage of solvents in a ventilated place and separated from the rest, etc. Subsequently, the NTP 749 questionnaire was applied again and established Risk Level 3 with a score of 980 in the range of 800 to 1200. These final results placed us within the Improvable table and reduced the risk level by 31.94%. The Control banding method is a preliminary complementary tool that, based on studies and knowledge of the majority of dangerous chemical agents by international organizations, contributes to the control and reduction of risks.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería industrial con mención Seguridad Industrial y Salud Ocupacional
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Escuela de Postgrado
Grado o título: Maestro en Ingeniería Industrial con mención en Seguridad Industrial y Salud Ocupacional
Jurado: Laura Chumbiriza, Anthony Eduardo; Sánchez Pérez, Joselito; Rojas Ciudad, Carlos Alberto; The main objective of this research is to apply the simplified Control Banding method in a paint company in Lima, in order to reduce the risk of direct exposure of workers to Hazardous Chemical Agents (AQP), used in the manufacture of paints and thinner. The research approach is pre-experimental with pre- and post-test. The method is based on the questionnaire of the Spanish standard NTP 749 to carry out the evaluation of the risks in the different affected areas, such as storage, transportation and production. The results of the application of the questionnaire initially showed deficiencies, resulting in level 4 with a score of 1440 in the range of 600 to 4000, being in the Poor Risk Level, which required urgent correction. The banding control assigns a letter to characterize according to its danger and availability to the 09 solvents, Butyl Acetate, Solvesso 100, HAS, Methyl Acetate, Xylene, Methanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Toluene and Butyl Glycol. With the support of the HDS safety sheets and using the control sheets of the Occupational Safety and Health and Environment Program of the ILO. The results show mutagenic, carcinogenic solvents such as: Solvesso 100 and Has, categorized with the control band E so they must be replaced and the others categorized within the control band C and S, which can be controlled through of the corresponding ILO control sheets. Once the method was applied, the measures were partially established, such as the acquisition of a decanting machine with a closed transfer system, the storage of solvents in a ventilated place and separated from the rest, etc. Subsequently, the NTP 749 questionnaire was applied again and established Risk Level 3 with a score of 980 in the range of 800 to 1200. These final results placed us within the Improvable table and reduced the risk level by 31.94%. The Control banding method is a preliminary complementary tool that, based on studies and knowledge of the majority of dangerous chemical agents by international organizations, contributes to the control and reduction of risks.
Fecha de registro: 17-may-2024

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