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Title: Propuesta de un plan de mantenimiento basado en la confiabilidad para reducir costos del área electromecánica del Hospital Regional Lambayeque
Advisor(s): Querevalu Morant, Alexander
OCDE field: http://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.11.04
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Abstract: Esta investigación se realizó en el Hospital Regional Lambayeque y propone un plan de mantenimiento basado en la confiabilidad para reducir costo del área electromecánica, Se realizó el diagnóstico del área, en donde se registró y codificaron 60 equipos, se realizó una auditoría de mantenimiento obteniendo 53,8%, es decir el desempeño del área se clasificó como nivel regular, resultó vital el reconocimiento de estos puntos débiles para poder repotenciar el trabajo del área, se reconoció el gasto total en mantenimientos que fue S/ 953 200.00; se realizó la medición actual de los indicadores de mantenimiento, al realizar el estudio de criticidad se encontraron a 19 activos críticos que se dieron prioridad, al mismo tiempo se utilizó la matriz AMEF, en donde se reconoció las fallas con alto NPR, en conjunto a las hojas de decisión permitieron establecer las actividades que se ejecutaran en un tiempo definido, de manera que se pueda reducir fallos, a fin de mejorar la disponibilidad de los activos, luego de elaborar la propuesta planteada basada en 8 fases se de los equipos críticos de 73% a 90%, se incrementó la confiabilidad de 83% a 94%, logró mejorar la disponibilidad además se logró prolongar el MTBF de 551 a 8837 horas, por último se realizó la evaluación económica del proyecto teniendo definido como inversión S/ 116 830,50; se obtuvo un VAN de S/ 124,306; un TIR de 40,4% y un beneficio de S/ 0.61 por cada sol invertido, lo que define como viable la propuesta.

This research was carried out at the Lambayeque Regional Hospital and proposes a maintenance plan based on reliability to reduce the cost of the electromechanical area. The area was diagnosed, where 60 pieces of equipment were produced and coded, a maintenance audit was carried out. obtaining 53.8%, that is, the performance of the area was classified as regular level, the recognition of these weak points was vital in order to repower the work of the area, the total expense in maintenance was recognized, which was S/ 953,200.00; the current measurement of the maintenance indicators was carried out, when carrying out the criticality study, 19 critical assets were found that were given priority, at the same time the AMEF matrix was extracted, where the failures with high NPR were recognized, together with the decision sheets allowed to establish the activities that will be executed in a defined time, so that failures can be reduced, in order to improve the availability of the assets, after elaborating the proposed proposal based on 8 phases of the critical equipment of 73% to 90%, reliability was increased from 83% to 94%, availability will improve, and MTBF will be improved from 551 to 8,837Bhours. Finally, the economic evaluation of the project was carried out, having defined S/116,830 as an investment. fifty; a NPV of S/ 124,306 was obtained; an IRR of 40.4% and a benefit of S/ 0.61 for each sol invested, which defines the proposal as viable.
Discipline: Ingeniería Industrial
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Facultad de Ingeniería
Grade or title: Ingeniero Industrial
Juror: Sánchez Pérez, Joselito; Vera Lázaro, Alejandro; Querevalu Morante, Alexander; This research was carried out at the Lambayeque Regional Hospital and proposes a maintenance plan based on reliability to reduce the cost of the electromechanical area. The area was diagnosed, where 60 pieces of equipment were produced and coded, a maintenance audit was carried out. obtaining 53.8%, that is, the performance of the area was classified as regular level, the recognition of these weak points was vital in order to repower the work of the area, the total expense in maintenance was recognized, which was S/ 953,200.00; the current measurement of the maintenance indicators was carried out, when carrying out the criticality study, 19 critical assets were found that were given priority, at the same time the AMEF matrix was extracted, where the failures with high NPR were recognized, together with the decision sheets allowed to establish the activities that will be executed in a defined time, so that failures can be reduced, in order to improve the availability of the assets, after elaborating the proposed proposal based on 8 phases of the critical equipment of 73% to 90%, reliability was increased from 83% to 94%, availability will improve, and MTBF will be improved from 551 to 8,837 hours. Finally, the economic evaluation of the project was carried out, having defined S/ 116,830 as an investment. fifty; a NPV of S/ 124,306 was obtained; an IRR of 40.4% and a benefit of S/ 0.61 for each sol invested, which defines the proposal as viable.
Register date: 11-Apr-2024

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