Bibliographic citations
Chapoñan, V., (2022). Propuesta de un sistema de reclutamiento online para restaurantes de 2 y 3 tenedores de la Región Lambayeque 2020 [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Chapoñan, V., Propuesta de un sistema de reclutamiento online para restaurantes de 2 y 3 tenedores de la Región Lambayeque 2020 []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2022.
title = "Propuesta de un sistema de reclutamiento online para restaurantes de 2 y 3 tenedores de la Región Lambayeque 2020",
author = "Chapoñan Rojas, Valeria de los Angeles",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2022"
An online recruitment proposal for categorized 2 and 3 fork restaurants was presented based on a technological system of selection and recruitment of personnel through a website, to streamline the recruitment process in the restaurant market. Likewise, its main objective was to design an online recruitment process for restaurants of 2 and 3 forks in the Lambayeque 2020 region, having as main benefits the reduction of costs, immediacy, better management of candidate data and to make the process easier both for the company as well as for the candidates. In the method and technique of data collection, semi-structured interviews were used, carried out with 10 workers and 5 owners, having as population the labor market of the restaurant sector, the research approach was qualitative at an exploratory level. As a result of the investigation, it is proposed to develop recruitment through a website, it was also found that the recommendations take away the opportunity to real candidates who meet the requirements that are demanded, there is precarious information about job advertisements and it is not updated correctly causing waste of time. It was concluded that the conditions shown by the labor market allow the development of the proposal. Finally, some recommendations are left.
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